Chapter 31 ~ the weird behaviour between the creator and his second commander.

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Chaos looked at the begging Koster. In the corner of his eye he could see the shocked and terrified faces of the others in the dining pavilion, that don't know what Cedmi's punishments are like.

Chaos's smirk grew and he shook his head. "No, I've decide already. I will get commamder Cedmi to make up your punishment, once he comes back."

Chaos then turned around and quickly walked out the dining pavilion, with an evil smile plastered in his face.

Koster got up from his knees. "But my lord! I beg of you, please! I swear I'll do anything!" he shouted as he ran out of the dining pavilion and after Chaos.

The demigods, Chiron and the gods, all had shocked and terrified faces, while the Chaos commanders, all tried to not burst out laughing.

Annabeth, who kind of looked half terrified and half shocked, looked over at the other Chaos commanders.

"Is commander Cedmi really this terrifying?" she wondered. Scared if he was.

The commanders couldn't take it any longer. They all burst out laughing, while everyone else in the dining pavilion frowned in confusion.

Some of the commanders fell off their seats, from laughter. After they calmed down, they all sat properly again.

"Koster's show was hilarious!" shouted Adrien. He couldn't help but snicker.

"Oh, it's a shame Cedmi missed this! He would have been crying with laughter," said Alicia and laughed again, along with the rest of the commanders.

The commanders were interrupted when someone cleared their throat. They completely forgot about the others in the dining pavilion.

They turned around and looked at Zeus, who was the one that cleared his throat.

The dining pavilion fell silent and the commanders all looked at each other.

Alicia looked at everyone there. "Yes?" She was the one to break the silence.

"We really want to know what just happened," said Annabeth.

She was confused, as to why the rest of the commanders laughed after what happened with Koster.

Feria shrugged. She along with Bianca and Adrien, all had their hoods down.

"Just the usual, Koster being an idiot, and pranking Chaos, and stuff like that, then Chaos shouting at him for doing it," Feria said.

Noah nodded. "And when Koster doesn't take him seriously, he tells him he'll get Cedmi to punish him."

Feria sighed. "And trust us, you don't want to be punished by Cedmi."

The other commanders nodded in agreement timidly. They feared being punished by the first commander.

Leo Valdez gulped. "And how bad are his punishments?" he asked.

Alicia shook her head, while smiling evilly. "It's not about how bad they are." Everyone looked at her curiously. "It's about how humiliating they are."

Everyone was more confused, while the commanders all chuckled and shuddered, at the memories of Cedmi's old punishments.

See, Cedmi's punishments are not harmful in anyway, but they are most of the times humiliating.

Like that time Luke had to clean the whole Chaos palace, while dressed as a hotel room service girl.

The commanders along with Chaos, and the Chaos Army, laughed for hours afterwards.

That resulted in a pouting and mad Luke, who kept glaring daggers at Percy for a whole week.

Bianca snickered. "Hey, do you guys remember that time, when Koster had to clean everyone's shoes in the army, while dressed as a penguin?"

This made all the commanders burst out laughing again. They remembered that time and even have a video off it.

And a few back up copies of the funny video. Just in case.

The others in the dining pavilion looked at each other a bit confused. They had no idea what the commanders were on about.

The commanders all calmed down once more and looked at the others in the dining pavilion.

Alicia spoke, "Cedmi is one of the most good hearted people I know. And his punishments, don't hurt us in anyway, well... they're totally humiliating but that's literally all."

Everyone nodded slowly but they were still a bit curious. They kind of wanted to know about some of his punishments.

"That's why Koster doesn't want Cedmi to punish him," Mari said. "He rather if Chaos did it, because Cedmi would give him some humiliating punishment right in front of all of your eyes,"

The demigods, Chiron and the gods, all relaxed and got over the shock, now that they knew that Cedmi is not some evil person.

The commanders all finished their breakfast and walked out of the dining pavilion.

They all walked towards the Chaos cabin, as they knew Luke, along with Chaos would be there.

When the commanders walked into the cabin, they were surprised to see Luke sitting on the couch.

His head was in his hands and Chaos was sitting next to him, while massaging his temples, with his eyes closed.

"What happened?" Silena broke the silence.

She along with everyone else sat on the couches, like Luke and Chaos already have.

Luke and Chaos were a bit startled when they heard her speak. They both jumped a bit and then noticed that they were not alone.

"No.. nothing," stuttered Luke and cursed himself for it. He had to keep the conversation he just had with Chaos as a secret.

The seven commanders that just came in, all looked at each other, as they were sure there that there's something going on.

"Luke," Zoë demanded. She looked over at Chaos. "Chaos." She then looked between them both. "What's going on?"

Luke and Chaos looked at each other, they both had serious looks on their faces. They had to keep this secret.

They then turned their gazes to the worried seven commanders who wanted answers.

"It's noting guys, just Chaos blackmailing me with Cedmi punishing me for the sleeping potion, plus... we had a little shouting competition," Luke said.

He gave then his best fake smile. Being a son of the god of liars has its perks.

The commanders all smiled back. They still were a bit unsure, but they shrugged it off as soon as Luke started joking around again, with Zoë having to hit him on the head more than twice.

After a while, they all left the Chaos cabin and went on with their day.

The assassin called Cedmi. [UNDER MAJOR EDITING]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum