Chapter 23 ~ the Kronos guy.

Start from the beginning

Percy sighed. "He's still after me to be honest," he told them.

This made everybody look worried.

Bianca's eyes suddenly widened. "So, the Horgens were his way to get your attention? And did you save Karden and the four others?" she asked.

Percy nodded. "I saved Karden on the first day actually," he said, making all of them look at him questionably.

"Then why didn't you come back?" Adrien asked. "What else was there to do?"

Percy shook his head. "The Horgens were indeed from Void and there was a whole army of them, standing in front of me after I saved Karden and the others that were captured to get my attention."

He looked at Chaos. "I couldn't just leave them there to roam around the woods on Regis," he explained.

Chaos nodded. "But that should only take you about... how long?" He frowned.

Percy shook his head again. "I finished them in two days. I couldn't do it faster, though, since there were maybe about thirty thousand of them."

The all looked at Percy worriedly. Horgens were known for their nightmare looks and really, really sharp claws.

"At night, I ate something quickly, and scouted the surrounding. There were dead bodies of Horgens, everywhere," Percy said and frowned.

"I moved deeper into the woods, and I was met by another army -" Percy was cut of as an conch horn was blown three times.

Percy looked back at all his friends, who were now frowning. "We're under attack."

Michael looked at Percy and then grabbed a big piece of ambrosia from his pocket. He gave it too him and got a nod in return.

Percy then snapped his fingers and he had a new, identical black cloak on, with deep-sea green trimming.

He put the godly food in his mouth chewed the ambrosia quickly, feeling his arm heal a bit.

The commanders, along with Chaos, then ran up the CHB hill, to meet the attackers.

When they got there, they were welcomed by Kronos - who was on his own - with a minor army of monsters.

"I hate Kronos," muttered Koster.

"Don't we all do?" asked Cedmi. He looked at Koster and watched as a playful smirk formed on his lips.

The commanders went into first line, with Cedmi at the front. The Olympians stood kind of off at the side, but close enough to the campers who stood behind the commanders.

"Hello there, Kronos. What a lovely day to be killed, don't you think?" asked Cedmi in his amused tone.

Koster and Adrien snorted at that. They both looked at each tiers and fist bumped, making all their female friends roll their eyes at them.

Kronos gritted his teeth. "Yes, indeed commander Cedmi, so I will gladly have your head!" he shouted.

"Now, that's not very nice now, is it?" Cedmi smirked, as he saw how annoyed Kronos already was.

"I don't play, nice," Kronos's replied. He was really getting annoyed by Cedmi's attitude.

It reminded him of one certain demigod from long ago that he wanted to forget about altogether.

"Yes, I very much noticed that," the first commander said. Cedmi loved annoying his enemies.

But it always reminded him of the times him and one of his old assassin friends would travel together.

The assassin called Cedmi. [UNDER MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now