Know More Then One Thought

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Seth's POV

I went to check on Damien, he was still out, so I went to my office.  I went to work.  I learned had to limit my work as it pushed away the woman I loved away once and my children didn't see their father.  I was working for a while when I heard, "Dad?"

I looked away from my laptop and saw Damien standing in the doorway rubbing his eyes.  I smiled.  "Morning."

"What are you doing?"  He asked.

"Just getting some work done."  I told him.

Then he asked, "Can I sit with you?"

I smiled.  "Of course."  He was definitely a momma's boy, so for him to want to hang warmed my heart.  He moved over to me and I expected him to move a chair over.  Instead, what he did shocked me, he crawled into my lap and curled up to me.  I smiled at this as I sat back in my seat as my son cuddled up to me for the first time in years.  Then he said, softly, "Dad?"


"Is mom okay now?"  He asked me.

I was a little taken back by this.  But I answered, "Yeah."

"I know mom wasn't really sick, sick.  I know she was sick like I was."  He said to me.

I was taken a back and asked, "What do you mean, Damien?"

"Mom is like me.  I saw she came home with medicine like I have to take.  Her brain is like mine but still different.  It isn't my fault but it's not mom's either."  I was shocked by this.  He understood more then I gave him credit for.

Then I asked him, "Does your brother or sisters understand this?"

He looked up at me and shook his head.  "They think mom was really sick.  But I know."  Then he looked a little guilty.  "If I tell you something, dad, you promise not to get mad?"  I just nodded.  "I heard you tell Aunt Rachael about mom being in the hospital that she tried to hurt herself."

"Christ."  I breathed.

"You aren't mad, are you dad?"  He asked, concerned.

"No,"  I felt at a lost knowing my son knew.  "You really shouldn't listen into adult conversations though."

"I didn't mean to.  I came downstairs to ask you for a drink and I heard you crying.  I heard you tell Aunt Rachael that mom almost died and that you had to put her away cause she tried to hurt herself bad."  He informed me.

"Why didn't you say anything?"  I asked, in shock.

"Cause I was afraid you would get mad and I knew I wasn't suppose to hear that."  He admitted.  Then he asked, "Is the man that hurt mom the reason she did it?"

I quickly held Damien tightly and said as I teared up, "Son, don't concern yourself with that.  Mom is okay now and better.  She is happier and home with us.  That is what matters."  I pulled away and looked at him.  "Do you understand me?"  He nodded and I then said, "Look, what you told me, don't tell your mother, okay?"

"Why?"  He seemed confused.

"Cause it will make mom very sad if she knew that you knew.  She and I want to protect you kids from all the bad stuff.  If she knew that you knew, she would get very sad as she felt like she didn't protect you enough.  Do you understand?"  I told him.

He nodded.  "Yes, dad."

"Good."  I gave him a small smile.  I kissed the top of his head and held him close.  I was worried now that one of my children knew what really happened to his mother.  I tried to protect my children from all the stuff that was going on.  I hated they saw what happened to their mother, but her trying to kill herself, I tried to keep from them as it would be too much.  But Damien knew for some time and kept it to himself.  I felt for my son.  This was a heavy burden for a child to keep.

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