Honeymoon Part 2

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The next couple days were perfect. I was enjoying our honeymoon. Seth made sure it was a time to remember and that it was. One morning, I got up and saw it was pouring. I just laid there while Seth slept and listened to the water hitting the roof. It was relaxing. Then I felt Seth stir. I looked at him as he woke up. He smiled. "Morning."

"Morning." I said. Then pointed out. "It's raining."

He sat up a bit and looked out the window. "Well, fuck. I had today all planned out. There goes that."

"What did you have plan?" I asked with a smile.

He shook his head. "I plan on still doing it, even if it is for another day." He only grinned.

I looked back at the ceiling and hated that he did that. He moved to me and said, "You know, we could just stay in bed all day. This could be our time to really connect."

"You mean to have lots of sex." I retorted back with a smile.

"Are you really complaining?" He asked.

I laughed. I moved a hand to the back of his head and pulled him to me. "Of course not."

He kissed me deeply. We had sex a few times and by the time we were done, we laid in the bed as we were spent. I breathed, "Jesus, Seth. Could one man really have this much stamina?"

He laughed. "I gotta do this right with you."

I smiled at this. "God, I never want to leave."

He sat up slightly and looked at me. "We have to, baby. We got two babies coming and jobs back at home."

"Okay, let's go back and quit our jobs and stay long enough for the twins to come. Then come back here and live out our days." I said, jokingly, but a part of me wished we could.

He laughed. "If it was that simple, baby."

"I just so wish we could." I almost complained.

He moved over to me and wrapped his arms around me. He pulled me close and now my back was against his chest. He kissed my shoulder, gently. "You only want to stay out here cause it is perfect here."

"It is." I said, softly.

He moved his hand up my arm and we fell silent. It was a comfortable silence. I was close to falling asleep. Seth then said, softly, "Baby?"

"Yeah?" I said, softly.

"We will always be like this, right?" He asked.

I smiled as I could tell he was a little insecure. "God, I hope so."

"Me too, baby." He breathed against my skin.

The next day, the whether cleared up. Seth told me to get dressed in a bathing suit. So, I did. I put a sundress over it and we left the bungalow. We walked to the beach and walked down it for a bit. We got to a huge dock with a bunch of boats and sailboats on it. We walked to one and Seth yelled out to a shirtless, very well built, young guy that was on the sailboat. "Are you Captain Mitch?"

A man looked over to us and said with an American accent. "Yes, I am."

"I am Seth and this is my wife, Mary. We came to get a ride around the island." Seth said to him.

He basically jumped off the boat and landed on the dock. "Oh, yes, I have been expecting you two." He walked over and shook Seth's hand. Then he looked at me and smiled. He took my hand and gently kissed the back of it. He looked at me as he grinned. "Sir, I have to say, your wife is very beautiful."

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