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I went back to work even though Seth asked me not to. He wanted me to relax but I needed to get my mind off of everything that has been going on. I was losing when it was just me and Seth, cause the focus was on my pregnancy. I didn't even want to think about it. We had an appointment set up. With Seth's connections, we got one in just a couple days. I spent the whole day in my work. It actually helped. I went home and I knew Seth would be waiting there. I probably would have heard it too. But I didn't care. I walked in and sure enough, Seth was in the kitchen. "Mary, I told you not to go to work."

"Yeah, well, I went." I said, plainly.

"You need to take it easy until this appointment and the doctor tells you it is okay to." He said.

I rolled my eyes as I was over it. I was pregnant and just like that Seth was trying to dictate when I should work. I ignored him. I went to walk upstairs and he stopped me. "Are you listening to me, Mary?"

"Loud and clear." I said, sarcastically.

"What is your deal?" He asked as I could tell he was over my tone.

"You are." I said, angrily. "You know, I get pregnant and you tell me what to do and when to do it. I'm not fucking five!"

"You sure acting like it! All I am trying to do is take care of you!" He yelled back.

I laughed, angrily. I stormed off as I didn't want to deal with him. Didn't help that my hormones was going crazy. But since we found out I was pregnant, he has been overbearing. I couldn't deal. I walked to my room and he was on my tail. I turned to him and yelled, "Go away!"

"No!" He screamed at me. "I just want to make sure you are okay! That the baby will be okay!"

"But it won't, Seth!" I yelled, then shock hit me as what I said. I didn't mean to say that. Not like that. I looked away and calmed. "It just being here reminds me what could happen, especially with you over my shoulder watching every move I make. I needed to go away for a bit, do something to make me forget for a little bit. That is why I went to work."

He calmed as well. His expression lighted. "I don't mean to be. I'm just worried."

"I know, Seth. Just worrying is stressing me out more. I don't need the stress on top of everything." I told him.

"I'm sorry, Mary. I didn't think. I just can't help it to be worried about you and the baby." He was seemingly upset.

"Please, don't do that." I begged.

I knew if he would lose it, so would I. I just couldn't handle that. I watched as he tried to maintain his composer. "I'm sorry. I feel like whatever I do isn't right."

"It's not you, Seth. It's just this whole fucked up situation." I breathed.

Seth moved to me and hugged me. "I just don't know what to do to make this better."

"Just stay by my side, no matter what." I said, softly.

"That I can do and can promise you." He said.

The next couple days went by, and we went to my doctors appointment. Afterwards, the doctor told us the news. "Ms. Winters, I will be frank with you. Your condition has not changed. The chances are slim that you can carry the baby to term." I wasn't shocked by the news, but I could tell Seth was hoping to hear something different. "Now, what if you wanted to try to continue with the pregnancy, I would recommended strict bed rest. No stress and to take it easy. And no work."

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