Too Much Change

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It been a few months now, we have started the process. We never expected to add another child into our family, but we fell in love with Sophia. We wanted to take her home with us and for her to become one of our kids. After Seth left the first day, he wanted it more then ever. We continued to see her twice a week as we wanted to know this girl more. As we started the process, the adoption agency quickly wanted us to understand her history as it may show if and when we take her home. A woman named Heather was handling our case. The first time we came in, Heather quickly did the paperwork and then filled us in with Sophia's background. "Now, that you plan on going through the process with adopting this young girl, we should fill you in on why she is with us."

I nodded and Seth asked, "Is it really that bad?"

She pressed her lips and looked at us. "Look, Sophia came to us, she was a very frightened little girl. The things she seen and had to endure, no child should."

"What things?" Seth got concerned.

"Mr. MacFarlane, I am telling you, what I am going to tell you, is going to be upsetting." She warned him.

He said, softly, almost waiting for the bad, "Okay."

"And after I tell you, if you decide this isn't for you, we will understand." She said.

Then I asked, "Why would you say that?"

"You are not the first people to look into adopting Sophia, there was two other couples before hand, but once they heard Sophia's history, they backed out." She informed us.

I was thrown by this. "Why would they do such a thing?"

"I don't know. Maybe they felt they couldn't give her what she needed or possibly couldn't handle, mentally, what the girl might go through." She replied.

"But she seems okay." I said.

"Yes, she has been seeing a therapist, and she is, over all, handling things quite well. But even the therapist said, that later on, something could trigger it and it could be a problem. But if she continues with therapy, it may never happen." She explained.

I was now upset. "It doesn't matter what she has gone through, we will do whatever to be able to make her ours."

Then Seth informed her, "She's right. We will be prepared for whatever she needs. We can give her what she needs." Then he looked at me and said, "But we need to know what she has been through so we can be prepared."

I looked at him and nodded. I was scared to hear what happened to this little girl. I didn't want to know about terrible things that happened to her. I knew it would break my heart. Seth looked back at Heather and asked, "So, what happened to her?"

She leaned towards the desk as she set her arms on it as she leaned on them and intertwined her fingers. She looked at us sternly. "When we got her, she was three. Cops found her in a home, where they found her mother and boyfriend dead. The end result of what happened was that the boyfriend killed her mother, then himself." I gasped at this. Heather looked at me and then looked down at her hands. She then looked back at us and continued, "She was hiding in a closet. Social services got her to a hospital to make sure that she was okay, there they find the girl has been sexually assaulted for some time."

"Jesus." I said, out loud.

Seth put his hand on my hand as he knew this was become overwhelming for me. "After some investigation, we learned that the boyfriend had been sexually assaulting the young girl. What the police had gathered, the mother walked in on her boyfriend doing it the young girl and that is when things got ugly and the boyfriend lost it. He shot the mother as she threatened to call the cops. The cops think once he killed her, he lost it even more. We think he looked for the young girl but couldn't find her."

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