A Problem Child

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Seth's POV

I knew Mary was upset with how Damien acted. I wasn't too happy about it either. I knew he was upset about the change, but he shouldn't have went that far. I told her I would talk to him. I went upstairs and checked on the other children first, the three were in Marie's room, playing. I smiled at this. Then I walked down to the boys' room and opened the door. I found Damien in his bed, pouting. I walked in and sat on the edge of the bed and asked, "You know what you did was uncalled for, right?"

He looked at me then looked away. "Yes, sir."

"So, you understand why your mother is unhappy with you?" I asked him.

He just nodded. I asked, "Why did you do it?"

He just shrugged and said, "I don't know."

"You know that is an unacceptable answer, son. Again, I ask, why did you do it?" I again asked.

He sighed and said, "I don't want another sister, dad. No one asked me what I wanted." He said, sadly.

"No, you are right, we did not ask what you wanted. But we also understood what this meant. Son, you are young, I get that. But I know you are old enough to understand that she needed us. This wasn't about what anyone wanted, it was about what Sophia needed. She needs a family. I'm sorry you feel this way, Damien. And you are allowed to say how you feel. But putting your hands on your sister and telling your mother that you hate her is not the way. Do you understand me?" I told him, sternly.

"Yes, sir." He said, softly.

I stood up and said, "You need to apologize to Sophia and your mother."

"Awww, dad. Do I have to?" He whined.

"Yes, now go." I said to him.

Damien groaned and got out of bed. I smiled at this. We walked to Marie's room, where the kids were playing. We walked in and I said, "Sophia, Damien has something he wants to say to you."

Sophia walked over, a little worried. She looked at him and then me, to make sure I wouldn't allow nothing else to happen. I smiled at her. "It's okay." Then I said to Damien, "Don't you have something to say to your sister?"

He mumbled, "I'm sorry."

I said, sternly, "So, she can hear you."

He exhaled and said, louder, "I'm sorry."

"For?" I said to him.

"For pushing you." He said to her.

Sophia gave him a small smile and asked, "Do you want to play with us?"

He was about to open his mouth and I quickly said, "He can after he apologizes to your mother."

She nodded and she walked back to the other two kids. I looked at Damien. "Come on, son. Your mother is downstairs."

He huffed and walked out. We walked downstairs and found Mary with Rachael in the living room as they talked. They saw us and stopped. Mary gave Damien a small smile. "Is my boy ready to behave?"

He nodded and I looked at him. "I think you have something to say to your mother."

He looked up at me, then hung his head. "I'm sorry I said that I hate you."

She smiled. "It's okay, baby boy. Come give mommy a hug."

He ran over to her and hugged her. I frowned. He pulled away and she cupped his cheek. "You feel better now?"

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