A Friendship Blossoms

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It's now weeks later, as usual, I was basically an errand girl for my boss. I hated it. I was in a coffee shop waiting for my boss and his client's order. I was on my phone when I heard my name. I walked over and grabbed the coffees. I had the drink tray and a text came in. I was looking at my phone as I walked out. It was another errand my boss wanted me to run. I was overwhelmed. I literally ran into somebody as the coffee spilled all over them. I heard them cuss at the hot coffee. Instantly I felt horrible. "Oh, my god, I am so sorry. I wasn't paying attention. I am such an idiot."

"It's okay, no real damage." They said, seemingly unhappy.

I looked up and saw it was Seth. I froze. I realized he didn't noticed me as he was still trying to clean his shirt I just spilled coffee all over. I was about to quickly leave as I didn't want to him to see me. Before I got a chance to, he looked up at me. He looked surprised, then smiled at me. "I guess this is one way to run into you again."

"I really am sorry about the coffee." I said, feeling guilty.

"Might have first degree burns but all is good." He joked.

All that made me do is feel worse. "Not funny."

He just smiled. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself."

Then I realized I had to get the coffee again. "Shit, I have to reorder everything."

"Let me." He quickly said.

He walked to the counter and I followed as I tried to stop him. "Seth, you don't have to."

"I want to." He said with a smile.

The barista came up to the register and I told Seth. "No, really it's okay. I spilled the coffee on you. I should be buying you your coffee."

He looked at me and said, sincerely, "I want to, Mary. It looks like you are not having a very good day even though it is only nine in the morning, so let me at least make it a little easier on you. And I don't mind that you spilled a little coffee on me or a lot. I got to run into you again, quite literally."

I slightly chuckled. I did need that. I smiled at him. "Alright, Seth. If you insist."

"I do, damn it. Now give the lady your order." He cracked.

I laughed this time and turned to the barista. I gave her my order again as Seth added his coffee. We walked to a table as we waited for our order. Seth quickly asked, "Can I ask you something?"

"You already have." I cracked.

He rolled his eyes and said, "Come on."

I slightly laughed and said, "Yeah, what's up?"

"Why did you leave so quickly at the club? I mean, one minute, we were into each other and the next you left. I don't get it."

I sighed. "To be honest, I saw what you wanted. Wasn't the same thing I wanted. I wanted to spare your feelings in advance."

"How do you know what I wanted?" He asked.

"The kiss, Seth. It was obvious." I told him.

"You don't think I wanted to just have sex with you?" He asked.

I laughed slightly as he was naive. I shook my head. "No, I know you wanted more. That is why I stopped it. I am not the dating and relationship kind of girl. I didn't want you to take what I wanted and think it would be more."

"Oh." He seemed to understand. "So, asking you out would be off the table then?"

"Yeah." I just smiled. "I wouldn't be good for you." He looked disappointed. I felt for him, I had to admit. I touched his arm and said, "Seth, I just don't want to give you the wrong idea."

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