Truth Revealed

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The following morning, we got up. I was thankful I packed a sundress with a sweater. I got ready and Seth dressed in a more casual three piece suit. He groaned out, "Are you really going to make me do this?"

"Yes." I turned to him and said, sternly, "You only have yourself to blame."

"If there is a God, he would kill me so I don't have to go." He breathed.

I smiled and moved over to him. I fixed his collar as I said, "Seth, it's just one afternoon."

"Yeah, one afternoon to listen to man talk about a made up guy who we are suppose to worship. It's torture for a guy like me." He said to me.

I laughed. "Well, next time you will think about accepting an invite to dinner with my parents then."

"No, I will definitely not do that again." He quickly said. "Look, I see now why you are not too keen on seeing your parents cause god, I would have blown my brains out by now if my parents were like that." Then his expression got more serious. "But the way you are about them, it saddens me. You still have both of your parents here. You should cherish that. Not all parents are perfect but you should be grateful that they are here. I just hate to see how you don't want to have a relationship with them. Cause you are lucky to have them, Mary. Some of us are not that lucky." His face got sad.

I frowned as I hated that he still hurt over the loss of his mother. I moved my arms up his chest and round to the back of his neck. "You're right, Seth. I'm sorry. You would do anything to have your mother here and I push my parents away, being ungrateful. I will cherish the moments I have with them, Seth. I promise."

He looked at me with a smile. "Good."

He leaned and kissed me gently. I pulled away and smiled. "Okay, let's go."

He breathed out and said, "Yeah, let's get this over with." Then he said, sternly, "You better be lucky I want to make a great impression on your parents. I never thought any girl would get me to go to church."

"I didn't. My parents did." I corrected him.

"Whatever, all the same. Just know, this will never happen again. So feel special." He said to me.

I smiled. I did a little bit. I knew how much Seth hated organized religion. But here he was, getting ready to go to church with me. We headed out the door to where the driver was waiting and got in. It was an hour trip so we got comfortable. A few minutes into the drive, I felt Seth move a hand to my knee. I looked at it then at him as I looked at him in disapproval. "What are you doing?"

"You know, I could use some to relax me." He grinned.

I pushed his hand off of me and said, sternly, "Not happening, buddy."

He sat back and groaned. "I thought you said you would help make this bearable."

"I didn't lie about that." I grinned.

"Oh, what do you have planned?" He asked.

I just grinned as I didn't say a word. We finally pulled up to the church and we were a bit early. I knew my parents would be there as my father was the deacon. We walked in and were greeted by the pastor and my parents. They were thrilled to see us there. I then said to my mom, "I thought I show Seth around before service started."

"Oh, that is a fantastic idea. Don't be late for service." She said with a smile.

I pulled Seth away as I said, "We won't."

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