One Lazy Day

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Been months now, Seth and I were close to our wedding day. I was excited. Then a few short months, we will have two little ones. The pregnancy was going great with Sophia. We were going in for an ultrasound. Seth and I went back and forth on knowing the sex of the baby. We wanted to work on their room. We still had Natasha's room but we couldn't bring ourselves to take her room apart. We both weren't ready for that. So we decided to make another room, the twins' room. We decided to find out the sex so we could do the babies' room. We got to the appointment and as we waited in the waiting room, Sophia asked, "So, you two going to find out the sex?"

I smiled at her. "Yes, we are working on the twins' room so we figured it be best to know."

She smiled at me. "I am glad you are. I am excited to know what they will be."

She looked passed me at Seth, who was passed out next to me. She laughed. "He is so thrilled."

"Leave him alone. He had to work till late and you just had to get appointment first thing in the morning." I told her.

She just said, "You know I have to still take care of my kids."

Then I asked, "How did you explain it to them by the way?"

"Oh well Heath doesn't fully understand, just knows mom's belly is getting bigger. Anna, well you know I had to explain to her that you cannot have kids of your own and that I was carrying these two so their auntie and soon to be uncle could have their own kids." Then Sophia laughed. "She then asked if I was carrying her cousins. I told her yes and she said that was weird."

I laughed at this. "At least she understands."

"Yeah, she told me it was cool I was giving you and Seth a chance to be a mommy and daddy." She beamed.

I smiled at this. Then a nurse called out, "Sophia Williams."

Sophia quickly stood up and I gently hit Seth on his arm. He woke up and looked at me. I said to him, "Come on, we got called back."

He stood up as he yawned. We followed the nurse and Sophia. I asked Seth, quietly, "What time did you get home last night?"

"Like two in the morning." He said, sleepily.

"Fuck, baby." Then I got worried. "You won't be doing too much of that when the babies come, will you?"

He smiled. "No. I will take some time off shortly after they come and when I go back to work, I will make sure I won't."

I almost let out a breath of relief. "Good."

We got to the ultrasound room and Sophia quickly sat down on the table as I sat in the only empty chair in there. Seth went and stood next to me, leaning against the wall. The nurse then said, "The doctor will be in shortly."

"Thank you." Sophia said to her.

The nurse walked out and I looked over at Seth and he had his head resting on wall. His eyes were closed. I quickly said, "Don't go back to sleep."

"I'm not." Seth said as his eyes were closed. "I'm just resting my eyes."

"That is bullshit, Seth. Come on, this appointment is important." I almost whined.

He opened his eyes and glared at me. "I am exhausted, Mary."

"And I will let you sleep later, I promise. Just get into this a little bit." I almost begged.

He nodded as he moved away from the wall. "Okay, baby. I'm sorry."

I smiled at him, then Sophia blurted out, "You really look like shit, Seth."

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