An Unexpected Visitor

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I was sitting at home, it has been a few weeks since Seth and I started to date. I was actually happy. I didn't think I could be this way again. I didn't hear from my parents since I left which hurt me so much more. My dad was following through and making sure my mom did too. I was so unhappy about that. Seth was trying hard to make me not think about it but I couldn't. I was use to getting calls from my mom ever other day. It use to annoy me. But now I missed it. But now I was alone over the weekend as Seth had to work. I hated it. He wanted me to stay the night at his house when he got home but I didn't feel right being alone in his house while he was working and he didn't get off till after I was asleep. I pretty much thought it was pointless. I got a call from Seth. I quickly picked it up. "Hey, baby."

"Hey." He sounded exhausted. It was now the late evening and I knew he had been working hard. "Baby, I really need to see you tonight."

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

He sighed. "Please. I am going home now and I had a really bad day. I need you to make it better."

I laughed. "Seth, is sex all you think about?"

"Please, Mary. I don't want to have sex, I just want you there." He sounded like something was wrong.

My smile faded as I heard this. I hated he sounded so upset. "Yeah, I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Thank you." He breathed.

I hung up and quickly left. The way Seth sounded didn't feel right. I have known him for a while and when he was like this, it was not something light. I was a bit worried. I drove to his house and knocked on the door. Took him a minute, but he answered the door. He saw me and hugged me tightly. I was thrown off but I hugged him back. "You okay?" I asked, concerned.

"I take it you didn't see." He said, softly.

I pulled away from him and asked, "See, what?"

He sighed. "Come inside."

I walked in and we went to his living room. He sat down on the couch and I sat next to him. He pulled out his phone and pulled something up on it. I looked at it and my eyes widened. I didn't read celebrity gossip or watch much TV as I wasn't into those things. But now I was reading an article stating Seth cheated on Trisha with me. Which wasn't completely false. He did kiss me while he was with her but we never went any farther till he broke it off with her. My name was in the article. I was upset to see this as the whole story wasn't told. I looked at Seth and asked, almost bewildered, "What? How? Who would do this?"

He looked at me as I saw he was worried. "I am not a hundred percent for sure, but this looks like Trisha handy work."

"Why?" I was upset now.

"She probably is jealous cause I am with you and it's not her." Seth said.

I just sat back. I wanted to cry so bad but I held it in. This is the first time, I was outed to being Seth's girlfriend, I was just the mysterious girl from the photo of the night of the reunion. But now my name was in this and I am now known as the girl who broke Seth and Trisha up. This was too much. I stood up. "I gotta go." I didn't want to cry in front of Seth about this as I was still guarded with Seth.

I started to walk away. Seth caught up to me and grabbed my hand. "Don't go, please." He begged.

I turned to him as my eyes watered up. "I am a villain in the eyes of everyone else. I didn't do anything. I told you I wouldn't be with you until she was gone."

"I know." He breathed. "I'm so sorry for this, Mary. I know you didn't want the attention, let alone negative attention. I didn't mean for this to happen. But please, do not walk out of that door, not now. It would scare me that you may never come back."

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