A Genuine Gesture

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I was home after a long day at work and noticed Seth at my door, seemed to be waiting. I was confused by him being there. I walked over to my door and asked him, "What are you doing here?"

"Need some air." He said, softly, but didn't look at me.

I cracked, "Great place for air, indoors." I laughed slightly but Seth didn't budge. I could tell something bothered him. I sighed and unlocked my door. I opened it and said to him, "Come on."

I walked in as Seth followed. He quickly sat on the couch and I just smiled at him. I kinda loved that he was that comfortable with me and my home to just make himself at home. I took my shoes off and sat next to him. I put my feet up and turned to him. He seemed down. "So, what brings you here?"

"I just needed to get away." He said, almost somber. "I hate that I have to leave my own home because of her."

I sighed as he was talking about Trisha. "Really, Seth, just a couple of weeks of you two back together, you are already feeling like this. This is why I don't want to hear about it. Cause I can't stand to listen to how miserable you are."

He sighed. "I know. I'm sorry." He looked at me, then smiled. "But I have another reason why I am here."

"Oh, yeah. Why?" I asked.

"Well, I thought about what Sophia said and I was thinking maybe I should go with you to your reunion." He said with a smile.

"Seth." I breathed as I looked away. "You don't have to. Plus, I really don't want to go."

"Oh, come on. This doesn't happen often in one person's life. You shouldn't miss this. If me being there makes it more bearable, I will go. What are friends for?" He was trying his hardest to convince me.

I smiled at him. "Alright, Seth. But only cause you will be there. I really don't want to go alone."

"I will definitely go with you. I wouldn't let you down." He said with a big grin.

I slightly chuckled at the fact he was excited about my reunion. "So, since you are not rushing to go home, how about this. I make some popcorn and we watch a movie together."

"Sounds perfect, actually." He said with a smile.

"Good." I said as I got up.

I made up some popcorn and went into my room. I quickly changed into my pajamas and out of my business suit. I walked back out and put the popcorn in a bowl. Seth, in that time, picked out a movie and put it in. I sat next to him on the couch. I put the bowl between us as we began to watch the movie together.


*Seth's POV*

I woke up and it was dark. I looked around to find Mary laying against me. We must of fell asleep during the movie. Now she was cuddled up against me. I just looked at her. I had a woman I left at my house but she wasn't what I wanted. Mary was. She was easy to talk to and knew how to take a joke. She was there for me when I needed her and wanted nothing in return. It sucked so much that I was falling for her and the feelings weren't returned. I wish the pain she felt wouldn't stop her from being with someone again. I just stared at her as I admired her beauty. She was so beautiful. I smiled at the sight. I moved my hand to her face and removed some hairs from her face as I wanted to see her face fully. She stirred, then slowly opened her eyes. She looked up at me with her dark brown eyes. She was even more beautiful every time I saw her. I smiled at her, she returned the smile. Then she slowly moved from me and asked, "What time is it?"

Different Worldsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें