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We talked with the agency that set us up with Carla. After some time with them talking with Carla, they told us she still was on board. Seth and I felt as we could breath again. I continued to go to the appointments with Carla, but that was as far as it went. The first time I saw her, I had to hold myself back from hurting her as she was carrying my little girl. Seth refused to go to any appointments again. I didn't want him there either. The first one since everything, I met Carla there. I saw her and sat next to here. She quickly said "Hey."

"Hey." I said, coldly.

She quickly said, "Look, about what happened..."

I quickly cut her off. "I am here for one reason and one reason only. My child. Outside of that, we are not to speak."

She looked hurt but I didn't care. I was relieved when the appointment was over. I left without another thought. She really got under my skin after she tried what she tried. But now I have to put that to the side, I had two little boys who were turning one.

The following day, we had the house and backyard decorated. Our boys were now one. I couldn't believe they were already one. It was also the anniversary when Sophia died. I was setting up everything and I just kept thinking about her. I then felt two arms move around my midsection from behind. I smiled as I felt Seth move against me. He said, softly, "You are not allowed to have that long face today. Our boys are one now and soon will be joined by their little sister. Everything is falling into place for us."

"But at what cost. We got this crazy woman carrying our child and Sophia is gone. This isn't right. I just want my life to go back to being normal." I said to him.

He chuckled, "Baby, we don't do normal."

I smiled and turned my head to look at him. "I meant, our normal."

He smiled back. "I know, baby. Once our little girl is here, we will get rid of the crazy woman and it will be just us."

"Okay." I breathed.

The party was great. The boys had their cake and got loads of presents. Also we had a great time with our friends and family. But soon it was over and reality set in as we had to deal with Carla again.

Another few months passed, I continued to go to Carla's appointment as our baby grew. I knew another appointment should be coming up, and found it weird that she didn't text me about it. I tried reaching out, no answer. I was getting worried and afraid. I went to her house and knocked on the door. No answer. I went to a window and looked in. The house looked empty, like no furniture of nothing. I became fearful. I quickly pulled out my phone as the tears flowed. I called Seth. He picked up. "What's up, baby?"

"Seth, Carla, she's gone. I don't know where she is." I was freaking as she had our little girl.

"Baby, calm down. Come home. Maybe she moved as she got a little extra money. We will call the agency and I'm sure Dana will know what is going on." He calmly said.

"Okay, okay." I nodded as I calmed my tears. "I'm coming home."

I quickly drove home. As I got to the house, Seth already called the agency that we found Carla through. They told Seth they would get back to us. Then Dana called Seth and asked if she could come by to speak with us. This made me nervous. Once she appeared we sat in the living room, she then said, "Okay, so none of us have heard from Carla. We don't know where she is."

My eyes teared up. "But our baby." I choked out.

Dana quickly calmed my fears, "Now you know, being a lawyer, she has no rights to this baby. So when we find her, we make sure you have your baby."

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