A Lot Of What Ifs

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It's been a couple months since Seth and I began this friends with benefits thing. There was a hiccup or two but we managed. Our friendship became stronger. I enjoyed the fun we had together. I was at work, working on a case I actually had to go to court for. Those were brutal but for me a little more fun cause I felt like I was actually getting to do my job and argue my client's case. I was good at arguing my side. It was close to lunch. I was hunger. I never made Jessica do anything outside of what her job called for, but I would ask her for a favor now and then. And if she would run to get me lunch, I would buy hers too as a thank you. I never wanted her to feel like I did when I was Mr. Henderson's secretary. I walked out of the office and said, "Hey, Jessica, do you mind..."

My voice trailed off as I saw Seth sitting on Jessica's desk as they were talking and laughing. I moved slowly closer and noticed Jessica's hand on Seth's leg. A pang of jealous waved over me. I cleared my throat. Jessica looked at me, then Seth turned to me. Seth said with a smile, "Hey, Mary."

"Hey." I said to him. Then turned to Jessica. "Hey, do you mind getting me lunch. I will pay for yours as well."

"Sure thing, boss." She said, happily.

She stood up and Seth said to her with a smile, "I'll see you later, Jessica."

"Okay, bye, Seth." She said with a flirtatious smile.

Again the jealousy radiated in my body. I kept my composer though. Jessica walked away and Seth stood up. I gave him a look of disapproval and he asked, "What?"

"I know what you are doing?" I said to him, displeased.

Without another word, I moved back to my office. Seth quickly followed. "What am I doing?" He asked.

"You are hitting on my secretary, Seth." I pointed out.

We got in the office and he laughed. "Okay, and?"

I turned to him and said, "And she works for me. You two start something and it ends badly as I know it will and it affects my work place as you and I are friends."

"It's not like I asked her out. Just some harmless flirting." He said with a smile.

"Good, cause I do not need issues at work." I told him, sternly.

"Whatever." Then he said, "So I came to see what you were doing for lunch but I take it you are eating here."

"I have a case that I have to go to court for and need to get all this down. I am swamp, Seth. And overly stressed out." I breathed as I was.

He hitched an eyebrow. "Would you like a stress reliever tonight?" Then he moved closer and said with a sexy smirk, "Or maybe I could just give you a release now."

I laughed and said, "Not here, Seth." Then I looked at him as I smiled. "But I would love to see you tonight. Maybe you can relax me."

"What are friends for?" He joked.

I laughed. "Okay, go. I gotta work. I'll see you tonight."

"Alright, see you tonight." He said to me as he walked out.

I just smiled as he left and shook my head. He really was enjoying what we were doing. I couldn't lie, so was I. I worked until eight and was tired. I had court on Monday and I knew the weekend I would keep at this, preparing for everything. I texted Seth and he told me to meet him at his house. It was rare I would go over there cause he had more people who would stop by then I did. But that night I was not going to say no. I really needed this. I pulled up to his house and knocked on his door. I was so tired at this point. He answered the door and I think he noticed my demeanor. "God, Mary, you look exhausted."

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