Super Glued Kisses

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Shine: Hello everyone sorry for the long wait, but let's just get right into it. Shanee-chan: I dare Blue to superglue everyone in pairs!!

Blue: That doesn't sound very nice, but ok? *grabs a super glue tube, and reads the label*

-CAUTION- Keep out of reach children, do not let solution come into contact with eyes or mouth, if ingested call your local health department. 

(Fun fact: I actually bought a tube of super glue just to write this, dumb right?)

Blue: Well, we are skeletons so I guess it won't hurt us, right? Ok let's do this. *walks into other room where the rest of the Sanses are* Wait who do I glue together?

Shine: They didn't say......your choice?

Blue: Ok * randomly starts glueing people together* Done!

In the end this is who got glued together:










Horror- Katana 



N Swifty-Shine

(Don't ask why I paired them up this way)

Gaster: Well this is new....

Nightmare: Get. Off. Of. Me!

Gaster: Trust me if I could I would.

ErRoR- jGhtHfGgDjfNFmV!

Fresh: Uhh? You ok there bro?

Ink: Oh hi Geno, umm I'm stuck.....

Geno: Yeah I figured that out already, and you know what? I don't even care anymore. 

Classic: Well at least I didn't get stuck with him *points at Lust*

Lust: How rude.

Melon: Ummmmm?

Lust: Huh, I wonder if you really taste like watermelons~

Melon: Ehh?!? SUGAR!! HELP!

Classic: *walks out* Nope not dealing with this today.

Sansy: Hey! You're kinda stuck to me, remember?!

Classic: Oh right, I forgot you were there for a minute.

Dream: Um? How do we get unstuck?

Fell: Does it look like I know? I mean I don't hear anyone else giving any ideas do you?

Dream: No?

Fell: Was that a question.

Geno: Quit your complaining Fell, it's not like you're the only one in this situation.

Classic: I guess you could say we're all in a sticky situation.

Fell: Well after that pun looks like all eyes are glued to you, so how's about another pun?

Classic: Well, I'm stuck you took my pun.

Cross: Is now really a good time to be punning?

Classic: Well I guess it never crossed my mind.

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