Five Minutes Later

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Shine: Yay more dares! From SilverShim: Anway I have 2 dares 1. I dare N Swifty to have 5 minutes in heaven with Blue, and have Fell outside to hear the noises in there to add salt to the injury, also Fell may not intervene. 2. I dare Fresh to lock up Ink and Error in a closet for 5 minutes (cause even with I doubt they will) and make sure they at least kiss! Oh god.

Lust: Now this is my kinda dare! 

N Swifty: So what do I do?

Blue: Yeah what do we do?

Lust: Just get in the closet and see what happens~

Blue: Oh ok, come on Swifty! *walks into closet*

N Swifty: Hmm Ok.*walks into closet with Blue*

Shine: Well Blue gets bored easily so*grabs some bored games* here you go!

Blue: Thank you human! Want to play something?

N Swifty: Sure! 

Fell: Why would I intervene it's not like there doing anything wrong.

Shine: True, Blues to innocence for that.

Fresh: Yeah broski, my bros had a crush on little Inky sense forever

ErRoR: sHuT uP!!

Fresh: *shoves Ink and Error in closet* Have fun broski!

Ink: Ummm oh hi Error!

ErRoR: hEy.

Ink: Do you have any idea why we're here?

ErRoR: sAdLy YeS.

Ink: 'Sadly'? 

ErRoR: yEaH, sO wHaT dO yOu WaNt To Do?

Ink: Oh I don't care, maybe just wait until they us out.

ErRoR: sOuNdS gOoD tO mE.

N Swifty: I win!!

Blue: Wowie your good at this game!

Shine: Times up Blue and Swifty, did you have fun!

Blue: Yeah! Swifty is really good at games!

N Swifty: Awwwww thanks Blue!

Fresh: Hey I don't think we've met.

N Swifty: Oh names Swifty.

Fresh: Well nice to meet ya bro!

Shine: *looks at clock* Ok Ink Error your times up!

Ink: Hmmm ok I'm coming.

ErRoR: tHaT wAs AwKwArD.

Fresh: Aww man you didn't do anything bro.

ErRoR: wElL dUh.

Fell: Hey Blue what game were you playing?

Blue: Jenga!

Fell: Fun.

N Swifty: Hey next time we play we should have a elimination round! You know, when you lose your out!

Blue: Oooo that sounds super fun we could have everyone playing and see who wins!!!!!

Shine: Sounds fun.

Lust: Awwww I thought something exciting was gonna happen.

Shine: Nope!


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