Can't Sleep?

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Shine: Annnnndddd we're back with a dare from Boots-Da-Pug: I have a dare for Classic: I dare you to fall asleep on Horror's lap, not just your finger or any other trick, but most of your body. (I wanna see Horror's reaction).

Classic: Do I really have too? 

Shine: Do I really need to explain the concept of a dare again?

Classic: No, I just don't want to do this.

Shine: Why not? I thought you could sleep anywhere.

Classic: I can, just not on someone.

Shine: Understandable, but a dare is still a dare.

Classic: Fine. *walks over to the couch where Horror is sitting and sits down next to him* 

Horror: ........Uh do you need something?

Shine: *grabs video camera* This is gonna be good.

Classic: *lays down oh Horrors lap* Don't ask.

Horror: WHAT THE HELL GET OFF OF ME! *pushes Classic off*

Classic: Ow, I knew this was a bad idea.

Horror: Now that your off, would you mind telling me WHY THE HELL WERE YOU LAYING ON ME!

Classic: Jeez calm down it was just a dare.

Horror: You are so luck Shine took away my axe or you'd be dead right were you stand.

Classic: *shrugs* Well I'm just glad that's over.

Shine: *stops recording* Not yet we still have to ask the question of the day!

Horror: Ok I'll ask it.

Shine: Hey! No fair I hardly ever get to do it anymore!

Horror: Well too bad, besides you owe me.

Shine: I don't owe you shit.

Classic: The question is what was the worst dare you have ever got?

Shine, and Horror: HEY!


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