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Shine: We have a ask from UnbelievablyCuteCats: If you would, I would like to ask Error what his favourite childhood memory is with his brothers.

ErRoR: i DoN't ReAlLy ReMeMbEr MuCh AbOuT mY pAsT.... sOrRy.

Ink: It's ok, I don't remember much about my past either.

Shine: You all have terrible memory!

Ink: We do not! We can remember some things just not all of them.

Geno: Speak for yourself I can remember everything.

Reaper: Whatever's no important I forget.

Shine: Yeah I agree with Reaper, I literally will forget whatever I don't want in my brain!

Fell: I didn't think you had a brain left.

Shine: Watch yourself or your gonna get hurt real fast, understand?

Fell: Yeah right.

Shine: I outta.... never mind, it's not worth it.

ErRoR: hEy At LeAsT yOuR gEtTiNg BeTtEr At CoNtRoLlInG yOuR tEmPeR.

Shine: Yeah there's that, anyway I guess Fells off the hook.

Ink: Good, I really didn't want to break up there fight.

Geno: Agreed.

Shine: Well I'm bored.....*grabs drawing things* care to join me Ink?

Ink: Oh sure! But what do we draw?

Shine: First thing that comes to mind I guess.

Geno: Mind if I join you as well?

Shine: Go right ahead, I didn't know you liked to draw.

Geno: I don't, I do like watching other people draw though.

Shine: Well then Your welcome to watch, I guess.


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