Shifty Shifty

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Shine: Good morning, or good night (depending on when I get this chapter done) we have a new dare from an old friend SilverShim: This isn't exactly a dare but I would like to see this happen. I want the underfell universe go through story shift, do really add to the confusion as to who is who.

Ink: So basically Fellshift?

Shine: I think so?...... Oh I'm getting them?

ErRoR: wElL dUh.

Shine: Ok*gets the Fellshift gang here* found this trash.

FS Chara: Who are you calling trash buddy?

Shine: First off I'm not your buddy and second I'm calling you trash, you and the rest of your universe.

FS Asriel: I would be careful what you say tiny human.

Shine: You did not just call me 'tiny'.

Ink: Oh dear.

Dream: What's going on in here I sense negative emotions.

Nightmare: I really could care less.

ErRoR: sHeSh WhY dO yOu HaVe SuCh GrUdGe AgAiNsT tHeSe GuYs?

Shine: Because there jerks.

FS Chara: Same could be said for you brat.

Blue: Please don't fight.

Fell: What the?

Geno: ......................................

Reaper: Wow I've never seen Shine this pissed.

Shine: Uhhhhh kill me.

Horror: Gladly.

Shine: ..............................................I didn't mean it literally.

FS Mettaton: Shame darling I would have done it in a heartbeat~

Ink: I'm confused who's who?

Shine: Chara is Sans, Sans is Asgore, Asgore is Alphys, Alphys is Napstablook, Napstablook is Flowey, Flowey is Gaster, Gaster is Asriel, Asriel is Papyrus, Papyrus is Toriel, Toriel is Undying, Undying is Mettaton, Mettaton is Chara, oh and there in Underfell so there jerks.

Ink: Oh ok I got it.

Dream: So it's Underfell and Storyshift combined?

ErRoR: aPpArEnTlY.

Geno: So how long are they staying?

Shine: Until the end of this chapter which is right about now!

Geno: What?

Shine: Say goodbye Geno!

Geno: Oh ok see you! 

Shine: I said 'say goodbye' not 'say see you'.

Geno: Same difference.


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