Enter Fallacy

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Shine: Well here we go again, we have another dare from "123cat9"-I dare ink and fantasy to change outfits................... Wait who's 'Fantasy'? You mean Fallacy? Pfttttttt how did you get Fantasy from Fallacy hahahahaha!

Fallacy: I heard my name.

Shine: Oh yeah you have a dare.

Ink: What's with all the dares involving me? Oh it's a outfit swap, ok this I can do! 

Fallacy: Oh I see, uhh I don't like the way your 'friend' is looking at me.

ErRoR: *gliched growling* I'm WaChInG yOu.

 Ink: Oh you mean Error? Don't mind him he's harmless really. So should we go change?

Fallacy: Well it seams I don't really have a choice.

Shine: Nope no choice at all!

----------------------------------------Changing Intensifies-----------------------------------

Ink: Ummm no offense Fallacy but how do you where these? It's kinda gloomy don't you think?

Fallacy: I could've asked you the same question Ink. Way too colorful for my taste.

ErRoR: *glitched laughing* YoU bOtH lOoK rIdIcUlOuS.

Shine:........ Hummm yeah I'll agree with Error but on the bright side I did get some hilarious pictures, you want me to send you one Error?

ErRoR: YeS pLEaSeS.

Ink: W-what no! Don't you dare!

Shine: Too late heheh sorry, uhh do you want the pictures too Kat?

Blue: When dose the Magnificent Sans get to talk to the humans?

Shine: As soon as we get a question for you,k?

Blue: But when will that be?

Geno: When Reaper learns what personal space is.

Reaper: *scoots closer to Geno* So never then~

Geno: Oh fuck no!

Reaper: Hehe~

Fallacy: Can we change back now?

Shine: Yes, yes you can.


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