Seven More Minutes.....Again

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Shine: Holy shit I haven't  done this in months but we're BACK! With a dare from Squirrel9988:  I dare ink and error to the seven minutes in heaven again.

Ink: But we've done this already, actually more then once.

ErRoR: yEaH wHy Do We KeEp GeTtInG dArEd To Do ThIs?

Shine: Probably because other people want you two to start dating.... just a guess.

Ink: *blushes* How many times do I have to tell you We're.Just.Friends.!

Shine: Uh huh sure~

ErRoR: lEt'S jUsT gGt ThIs OvEr WiTh.

------------------------------------------{In Closet}-------------------------------------------------

Shine: Ok seven minutes on the clock, and start.

Ink: *sighs* I feel like we've been in this closet at least ten times this week.

ErRoR: aCtUaLlY wE'vE oNlY bEeN iN hErE oNcE tHiS wEeK.

Ink: Ok you're right, but still.

ErRoR: .....aCtUaLlY i'M kInDa GlAd We'Re In HeRe....

Ink: Oh? Why's that?

ErRoR: *blushes* wElL iT gIvEs Me A cHaNcE tO uMm WeLl....

Ink: What is it?.... You look nervous *puts his hand on Errors skull* OH GOSH! Are you alright?!

ErRoR: HuH?

Ink: Your skull is really warm, are you sick?

ErRoR: wHaT? oH nO i'M nOt SiCk, DoN't WoRrY aBoUt Me InKy.

Ink: 'Don't worry about you'? How can I not worry about you?! I care for you too much, I can't just 'not worry'! *quickly covers his mouth* I mean....

ErRoR: wAiT wHaT, yOu CaRe AbOuT mE? hOw CaN sOmEoNe LiKe YoU 'cArE' fOr SoMeOnE lIkE mE?

Ink: Because you're.... YOU! You're sweet, and funny, and the one of the nicest people I've met! Even when we were fighting you still seemed like the kind of person who was misunderstood, not evil or mean, I mean why do you think I tried so hard to become your friend Error? To provide 'good always triumphs over evil'? No I wanted to become your friend because I saw good IN you. And after we did finally become friends I got to know the real you, the happy, kind, sweet, and friendly side of you, the side of you I soon fell in love with...* Cover mouth again* 

ErRoR: WAIT! 'fell in love with' yOuR jOkInG rIgHt?!

Ink: I mean....umm...*pulls scarf over his head* n-nevermind f-forget I ever said that!

ErRoR: .....yOuR nOt JoKiNg ArE yOu? 

Ink: *shakes his head* N-no..... I'm sorry.

ErRoR: iNkY iT's AlRiG-

Shine: Ok, times up!*unlocks closet door*......... oh am I interrupting something?

Ink: *runs out of the closet and up to his room*

Shine: What's his problem? 

ErRoR:  INK, WAIT!, gRrR! 

Shine: Whoops, what's your problem? And also what just happened?

ErRoR: *sighs* nOtHiNg,... I'm GoInG tO gO fInD iNk. *walks upstairs and knocks on Ink's door* InK....

Ink: Go away Error!

-To be continued-

Authors note: That's right folks I'm back! Also if you recall I did say I was going to do something special when I came back.... so here it is.......yeah I'm just gonna leave this here........sorry for the cliffhanger <3


Ask The Multiverse Sanses ( discontinued )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora