2- Morning

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Marie was sitting in the floor leaning up against the sofa playing with Tayla.

"Hey look at this," she said holding up one of her toys.

Tayla sat up on her knees and grabbed it in her chubby hands.

"Grab it," Marie said challenging her by not letting her take it so easy.

Tayla giggled and yanked harder at the toy.

"Good girl," Marie said letting it go.

She smiled and shook it around in her chubby little hands.

The hallway door opened and Emily walked out dressed in a loose tank top and some track suit pants. Tayla looked up and dropped the toy immediately and crawled straight over to her feet.

"Mum mum," she said looking up at her.

"Hi beautiful," she said quietly as she picked her up. "Are you talking to mummy."

"Muma," she giggled wrapping her arms around Emilys neck.

"Do you want some tea Emily?" Marie asked standing up.

"That'd be lovely thank you," she replied giving her a small smile.

Marie went into the kitchen and started to make tea as Emily sat down on the sofa and set Tayla down on her knee.

"What have you done this morning beautiful? Have you played with nanny and all your toys?" She asked running her hand through Taylas short baby hair.

She giggled and leaned happily into Emilys chest as Emily wrapped her arms around her tiny body. Thomas was a daddy's boy, and liked to do everything with Daniel. Tayla loved her mummy, she loved cuddles, kisses, story time- everything, as long as Emily was with her.

She stayed there leaning into her until Marie walked back in with the tea. She sat down beside Emily and handed her the tea.

"How are you feeling?" Marie asked as she took a sip of tea.

"I'm feeling alright now actually, just tired," she sighed.

"Daniel said you thought it might be the restaurant."

"I don't know, I haven't been feeling 100% since the end of last week," she signed. "I'll be alright though."

Marie nodded and then looked away...she wasn't sure exactly what to say. Emily looked down to Tayla and grabbed her tiny hand with her free one.

"You could be pregnant Emily," Marie said looking up at her.


Emily looked over at her shocked; at a loss of what to say next.

"You were sick this morning, but you're alright now. And you're saying you've been like this since last week.....you have to consider that as a possibility," Marie said softly.

"W-what....I-I...." She stuttered and thought about what to say.

"It's only a possibility Emily."

"D-Daniel and I aren't ready for another baby...I-I mean Tayla's one, she's still our baby, we-we don't need another baby....."

"Emily it's a possibility," she said again.

"We haven't been trying for a baby....we don't want another baby," she said. "I-I mean now we aren't ready....Tayla's our baby......we don't need another baby.....we can't handle another baby."

She was starting to repeat herself, slightly distressed by the possibility.

"Calm down," Marie said putting her arm around her.

"We-we can't do this right now....t-Tayla's our baby right now," she stuttered.

"Emily listen to me. Stop stressing yourself out. It's a possibility, you need to consider it."

"I-I.....what am I going to do....I'm not ready for this. Daniel isn't ready for this," she said.

"I have to go and buy food for the week later this afternoon, I'll get you a test okay? There's no point worrying if it's nothing okay, I only mentioned it because I know it's a possibility," she said putting a hand on her shoudler.

"What is Daniel going to think?" She asked looking over to her.

"Don't worry about that now okay?"

She rubbed her back gently and looked so she was meeting eyes with her.

"Now go take a shower and calm down and I'll give tayla her lunch," Marie said calmly. "No matter what happens things will be okay Emily."

Danily Family ~ Baby Number 3Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz