64. Court

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 So begins the second part of the book and what should be book 3 if it ever gets published. 

Are you ready?


I guess it's that time and chapter of the book that I give this mini speech;

When you read a work of fiction you should prepare your mind for things that don't correlate with reality. That's why it's called fiction, if I wanted reality I'd never write. I write to create my own world. A world that I can create my own laws, outcomes and endings hence if I had to go by the law of the real there will be no need for me to write or write a work of fiction. So if you want to read any author especially my work that's labeled fiction, then throw away your thinking of how the real world works and allow yourself to merge with the book. If you can't do that then you probably need to switch from reading such books and stick to realism. I just don't understand how one could read a work that says clearly "fiction" and expect reality. At least, when I write fiction that's not what I aim for, and I'd hope the same for my readers. Because if you want reality, there's enough of it in the real world why go to a fiction labeled book? Now that is not to say fiction can't be mixed with reality, it can and I strongly advise it but reality should never limit the author from expanding and doing what they want when writing fiction because fiction itself means : literature in the form of prose, especially short stories and novels, that describes imaginary events and people, invention or fabrication as opposed to fact. And lastly, a belief or statement that is false, but that is often held to be true because it is expedient to do so. Hence guys please while I say don't throw away all your reasoning, don't go into fiction with your views of the real world limiting you from accepting the authors created world.

Now let's go~

Song: Rolling in the deep- Adele


It was the day of the court hearing, the past few days had been crazy for both Lexis and Hera. Lexis with his company, family, and court case preparation, Hera, the preparation for the court case.

Jess was representing her while Jamie was assisting from Malaysia as he was unable to make it back in due time hence he'd been corresponding with Jess via emails, calls and Skype. Jess was grateful for the fact that he wasn't going to be at the hearing, if there's one thing she'd learned from the time she'd spent corresponding with him, Jamie was no push over or fake lawyer, he was a man who knew what he was doing and was good at it. She wouldn't admit it to any one but she grew to respect him. She was grateful for his absence as she knew they'd be no way he'd let Lexis win if he was physically present as he'd make sure he is his sisters primary lawyer but with him not being there, Jess could play Lexis' game. A game she prayed she wouldn't regret being a part of.

They arrive the courthouse and are met with a flurry of Media who were not allowed into the courtroom as it was to be a private hearing but were waiting outside for the scoop and first look into the mysterious Hera Reynolds. 

After how Lexis had stood by her, many were shocked that he was suing for custody with various conspiracy theories being formed with people picking teams. 

"Are you okay?"Jess says turning to glance at Hera who had her arms wrapped around her body with her teeth digging into her lips.

Jess chuckles. causing Hera to glance over with a perplexed expression.

"You're hugging yourself, it's been five years since I last saw you do that," Jess explains.

Hera lets out a deep breath not returning Jess' smile or seeing the joke, sincerely worried over the days outcome. 

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