Chapter 23

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Quinn's pov.

After I tell every one to stop they grow silent for I have control over them as I use my powers. Then I begin my speech."Jeffery you no longer have control over anyone. I am the wolf of the moon. You will bow before me and surrender or I will kill every single one of you." I say boldly. "You dare disobey your father Quinn?!" Jeffery asks me. "You are NOT my father.. you never were. Now kneel!" Some kneel some don't including Jeffery. I sigh and start to speed once again. "So it's come to this. Well then Jeffery you may have control over your wolves again but you must leave my family out of it." He growls when I say family but I simply ignore him. Slowly he nods his head. "Good now Leave for a moment so I may speak to everyone." They all leave and I face my family and friend and as I look into their faces I look at Ray,Austin, and Jasper.. my heart is breaking but I put up a strong front and do not cry. I then start to speak to everyone. "I love you all but it's my time.. I must protect this world and most of all protect you all. Thank you for caring for me and making me apart of your family.
Jasper thank you for loving me unconditionally through thick and thin I love you so much.

Austin thank you for taking me in and making me the strong woman I am today you are my true father and I love you.

And lastly Ray.. you are my sister I always wanted you've been my sister my friend and my confidant. For that I thank you and I love you.

Now I want all of you to not mourn me if I die but to celebrate me. I want you all to be happy and know that I died peacefully for I will die protecting those I love.

Jasper I want you to find a girl to love and cherish more than you could ever love me.. I want you Ray to live happy and live free.. Austin I want you to love again because you deserve it.. you deserve her." I say and he knows I am talking about Amy. "This goodbye might be painful, but it is not the end. My heart knows that we will meet again." I tell them quoting my mothers words. Then leaving them frozen in place for now I walk back to the rouges house and prepare for my battle.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝔸𝕤𝕤𝕒𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕟Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora