Chapter 20

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Jasper's POV.
I'm sitting at my desk drinking a small glass of scotch when suddenly Ray burst through my door and says. "we have her location" I stand up and mind like all of my Warriors "we found her come at once and gear up."  "You're sure Ray?" I question her she nods her head then exits the room most likely to get ready for the battle that's about to unfold.

Rays POV.
Once again Austin and I are searching for Quinn, but this time we are searching Alaska. suddenly we stop in our tracks because we see what looks to be like two guards standing in front of a large house. Austin freezes and tells me. "This is it. Quinn's here." I break down crying. Finally after 5 months we've found her. Austin shushes me and gestures to me to follow him. We both head back to the house to discuss  our strategy for rescuing Quinn. After we are finished with our discussion I run over to Jasper's house to tell him the news.

Quinn's POV.
I smelt them.. Ray and Austin. This is not good they can't rescue me! I made this deal and I have to live with it.. I have to protect them. Sighing I stand up and wince at the pain in my back. Jeffery recently used the whip so I'm sore. My cell door creaks open and I feel the pretense of Jeffery. "Oh Quinn.. it seems our deal may be off. Your friends are coming to save you. Which means I will slaughter them all." He tells me. "No! Please I'll do anything just don't hurt them!" I yell to him. "Hmm well it seems harming them will cause you pain so I think I will stick with the first choice. Bye for now sweetheart." He then leaves me alone and I sob. He can't kill them.. what am I going to do. I think to myself. Then I fall asleep with tears still streaming down my face.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝔸𝕤𝕤𝕒𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕟Where stories live. Discover now