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Jasmine's POV

Renee, Ariana and my mom had gone with me to find a dress for me. Pippa had gone the week before me and I wanted to make sure that we didn't go into the same store... Or get the same dress.

"Are you sure?" I asked Renee.

"I'm sure." She laughed while holding the door open.

"Can you tell me what not to get? So I know not to get the same exact dress?" I smirked. I wanted to know what her dress looked like already!

"Nice try Jasmine." My mom laughed.

"Worth a shot." I shrugged. We wandered through the store looking at the many different dresses on the racks. I smiled at the ones Ariana was picking out, but none of them screamed 'take me home now'.

"What about this one?" One of the workers held up a pretty simple dress. It looked really pretty to me.

"I don't like it." Renee frowned. "It doesn't scream you." She said while placing her hand on my shoulder. I nodded and went back to looking at dresses. I was starting to lose hope with this shop... They had to have something that didn't either make me look like a giant puffball of lace and silk, or like a walking, white stick....

"What about this one? I know it isn't a bit much but, it's screams you." My mom said while holding up a mermaid dress. I smiled and went to try it on. I stood in the dressing room by myself and saw myself in the mirror. I hoped I looked a lot better the day of my wedding. I looked like I hadn't slept at all... I looked down at the rest of my body and frowned. I wasn't all that perfectly shaped... My phone dinged and I picked it up to see a message from Pip...

Pippa: Renee said that you're dress shopping today! I hope you know that you'll look beautiful no matter what you pick. I love you so much!

I smiled at her message. She knew I was having problems with myself, as was she, but she always knew what to say... That's one of the many things I loved about her... I got the dress on and smiled at myself in the mirror. Oh yeah. I looked good. I walked out and heard some gasps.

"Well?" I laughed.

"You look beautiful." Mom smiled while walking up to me.

"You guys just keep making me cry." Renee said while wiping her eyes. I frowned and felt myself getting teary eyed... It was so real. Everyone was happy, I was happy, Pippa was happy... I couldn't believe it was happening.

"What do you think about it?" Mom said while looking at me. Her hands were on my shoulders and I smiled.

"I really love it... And I think it's the one.." I said while wiping my eyes. I looked at myself in the mirror again and smiled. "Yes, this is the one." I whispered.


It was my day off, but Pip was at the theatre since she had her days off changed for the month. I felt like she was bored out of her mind so I called her on facetime. It rang a few times before she answered and I saw her smile.

"Hi gorgeous." I smiled.

"Hey you!" She laughed. "I miss you. It's weird not having you here on Tuesdays..." She sighed.

"I know. I'm not used to this either." I frowned.

"Lin and the rest of the team have started their little live streams again. He says it helps cut down on the fans on social media... I think it makes them bigger..." She laughed. "Like the group size." She smiled. She was right, the whole fan base for Hamilton was what took over on the internet... I was happy to have such a huge fan base, but it was getting overwhelming.

"Maybe they'll tone down after we leave..." I shrugged.

"Or completely lose their heads... And have a mental break down...." She smirked. "When are you leaving Hamilton again?" She asked.

"December." I answered. "Enough time to redo the entire apartment before we head out for the holidays." I shrugged.

"Cause I'll have control over it until then. Right..." She frowned. I overheard the speakers on her end calling for first places and I frowned. I didn't want her to go yet.. "I promise I'll be home in a few hours." She smiled.

"I love you." I sighed.

"I love you too." She said before hanging up. I frowned and felt so bored without her. I couldn't do anything without thinking of her. I decided to just order in then head to bed.

I flipped through the channels on tv while sitting in bed. Pippa was going to be home in two hours so things were boring of course. She made life interesting for me. I stared at my engagement ring and couldn't help but smile. Just a few more months and I would be hers. We still had to figure out who's name we would take, but I still would be happy either way.

When ten came rolling around, I decided to sleep. Pippa would be home eventually and I wanted to sleep before our two show day. I heard the door click open after a while and heard it shut and lock.

"Jazzy, babe I'm home!" Pippa called.

"I'm in bed." I mumbled. Pippa walked in and turned on the light, causing me to go blind briefly. "How was the show?" I asked.

"Good. Missed you though." She said while changing her clothes. "So I've been thinking..." She mumbled.

"About?" I asked while sitting myself up.

"Having kids..." She said nervously.

"You want to have kids?" I asked her. My mind had instantly gone from tired to happy. She wanted to have a family!

"Yes... Um... Since you know... We've worked a lot with the orphanage Eliza established... Maybe we could adopt from there...?" She asked.

"I would love to adopt children with you." I smiled.

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