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February 2016

Pippa's POV

We had shows of course on Valentine's Day. I sat in my dressing room getting dressed up for the show. It was terrible that we had to do this. Renee wasn't here since today happened to land on her day off. Her standby had to come in and I groaned at the fact that I couldn't spend time with Jasmine. Well we could, but not as much as we liked to.

"Hey are you ready yet?" Jasmine asked while peeking into my dressing room.

"Almost. I didn't want to get dressed until late." I laughed while feeling the corset being tightened even more around me. "Happy Valentine's Day." I smiled while holding out my hands. Jasmine took them and smiled.

"Happy Valentine's Day to you too." She giggled.

"I got you a gift." I frowned as the corset was finished being tightened. "It's in my bag." I breathed. God this thing was way too tight... "I think it's a bit tight." I frowned. My dresser undid the strings and redid it to where it wasn't as tight anymore. "Thank you." I let out a sigh of relief. Sometimes I swore that they tried to break our ribs. Jasmine fund the gift right away, since it was in a little gift bag. I had to detour to find it, but it was well worth it.

"No..." She smiled when she got the tissue paper out of the way. I bit my lip and smiled as she opened the little box. "Pip!" She gasped. It was a diamond necklace, with a little heart pendant at the end. It wasn't too expensive.... "Pip... It's beautiful..." She whispered. "Is that why you ran off yesterday before the show?" She asked. I nodded eagerly and got her to laugh. She deserved nothing but the best. She was my everything. "Now you make my gift look like crap..." She frowned while putting the necklace box back into the bag.

"I'll love it no matter what it is." I smiled while hugging her.

"Good cause it's really cheesy." She grinned. I smiled and we walked out to the stage. I wondered what she had gotten me, but I was going to have to wait.

After our first show of the day, we had a few good hours to kill. Jasmine locked me in her dressing room and ran off somewhere. I looked at our pictures together on her mirror and smiled. She was so cute. I had pictures of us on my mirror as well, but it made me smile so much that she had so many things here to remind herself of who she was and who made her happiest in her life.

When she came back, she gave me a huge smiled and lead me back into my dressing room. She had set up a little tent with a few blankets and inside was a little spread of food. I laughed at her little impromptu version of a romantic dinner, but I had never felt so much love from this before either.

"This is my gift to you." She smiled while shutting the door. "I know it isn't much, and nothing compared to what you got me..." She mumbled. I cupped her face with my hands and kissed her passionately.

"This was perfect. I'm a little upset that I hadn't come up with it first though..." I laughed quietly. We sat under our tent and ate the wonderful food in front of us. A cute vanity table lit dinner under a blanket tent. Who could ask for a better way to spend today?

"You know, things have been moving pretty quick for us." Jasmine said while taking a sip of her drink.

"What do you mean?" I asked her. 

"Well... We weren't even together a year before you proposed... Then getting married in a few months?" She explained quietly. I frowned and didn't know that she was afraid... 

"I'm sorry... We can wait if you--" 

"No, I'm happy! I just feel like it's all going so fast, that tomorrow it'll be the wedding and I'll have no idea where time went. You know? I just want to breathe and be able to enjoy what I have now. I think it's all because we're so busy now." She sighed. I looked at her eyes, and saw that they were full of happiness, tired, but happy. 

"I know what you mean.. I feel like we've been doing this longer than what we actually have done." I laughed a little and took a cracker from it's little stack. "A little cracker toast, to attempting to enjoy our lives." I smiled. She picked up a cracker and we tapped them together, bursting into laughter while we did so. There was a knock at my door and I had to control my laughter. "Come in!" I laughed. The door opened, revealing Lin. He jumped a little at the sight of our layout and laughed. 

"Well, looks like someone is enjoying Valentine's Day." He smiled. 

"We are." Jasmine said while placing a hand on mine. 

"I actually came for some help on what to do with V after the show..." He asked quietly. "And to apologize for everything... Again...." 

"Come and sit. We'll bounce ideas off each other." I said while waving him in. 

"We can't hold grudges forever.." Jasmine sighed. "We probably would've done the same thing if in your position... Honestly." She said while looking at me. I nodded and he let out a sigh of relief. He shut the door and sat opposite of us to talk. We talked for a bit about how he would go about his little plan. Eventually we got him to agree to let us babysit his kid for the night while he took her out. Boy that was going to be fun. Getting to parent a little baby while our friend takes his wife on a well needed, no baby date night.

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