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Jasmine's POV

"Why the hell would you do that?!" I screamed. Pippa was holding my wrist so I wouldn't hit him.

"He threatened my job! I have a family to look after! I can't just let them go without!" Lin defended. Pippa pulled me closer to her and wrapped her arms around me.

"Why would you ruin our lives like that?" Pippa sniffed. "How do you think we feel? Being the terrible face of all of this." She cried.

"Pip, please I know you two are upset.. I just want to apologize... Steven demanded I give him more answers and I couldn't do it... So I had to come clean to you two..." Lin frowned.

"Get out." I muttered. Lin looked dumbfounded and stared at me with wide eyes. "Get the fuck out of my apartment!" I yelled. "And tell Tommy he'll need replacements for the rest of the week." I said while shoving him out of my face. I slammed the door shut and walked back over to Pippa. She was crying on the couch.. I couldn't believe him. "Come here.." I whispered while pulling her into a hug.

"Why would he do that?" She sniffed. I didn't know, she didn't know... No one except Lin would know.

"I have an idea.." I whispered. "You wont like it though..." I frowned.

"What?" She said while wiping her eyes. I told her about my rough idea of a plan, and hoped to god no one would hate either of us in the long run... Or anyone picking sides. That way everything will be at our disposals. Not the other way around.

"Do you really think it would work?" She asked.

"It could. We won't know unless we try it." I shrugged.

"We could try it... That way we can have our relationship back. Or we try it, then all of a sudden half the cast is divided because of it..." She frowned. I nodded, it was a big risk. "We can leave it on the back burner for now... The only other way is to post everything before he gets it delivered to any social platforms..." She sighed.

"I know how much you hate that..." I frowned. She nodded and looked away from me.

"It's going to have to happen... Now isn't it.." She sighed.

"We don't have to." I said while taking her hands in mine.

"We're going to have to. What other choice do we have? Fake break up and risk the whole cast to fall apart? Or take control of this by releasing the information first?" She explained. I didn't know what to choose at this point. Both of our families were already informed of everything by now. The cast was there for the proposal...

"I'll help you. I promise I will." I whispered.

"Thank you." She said, it was barely audible, but I was glad she was willing to post about things now.

We went about the rest of our day, cuddling up and watching movies together. I texted Tommy and told him we would be back tomorrow instead of needing the whole week to be away from Lin. Tommy was grateful we would be back sooner rather than later. I took a picture of Pippa, who was currently all sprawled out on the sofa with her head resting on a pillow that was on my thigh. I laughed a little and posted it on Instagram. I just put a few emojis and tagged her in it. People started liking it, commenting weird things as usual.

"Pip, are you awake?" I asked. She moved her head to look at me then back at the tv. I smiled knowing she was close to falling asleep though.

"What are we doing for dinner?" She asked while rolling over to be on her stomach. Her arms hugged the pillow and I rested my hand on her back.

"Well we could order in. But I can't remember menus..." I frowned.

"That's what the Internet is for remember?" Pippa laughed. I shook my head and grabbed my phone to look through restaurants that delivered. It was literally almost every place here but we had to choose something.

We ended up ordering pizza and pigged out without worry of making call times and places. It was nice to sit back and relax with her for once. We stayed up late talking about various things, mainly things that came to our minds.

"Pip?" I whispered. I heard her shift in the bed and felt her arm wrap around my waist.

"Hm?" She mumbled.

"Do you think life is going to be okay? Like for us?" I asked her.

"Yeah. I think it will be." She yawned. I nodded and felt her grip on me tighten. I smiled and knew she was going to fall asleep like this. I didn't mind. I loved cuddling like this. Her behind me with her arm holding me like I'm going to fall off the bed at any given moment.

"I love you." I smiled.

"I love you too."

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