884 41 14

June 2015

Pippa's POV

After a week of staying with my parents, we immediately flew out to California to Disneyland. Neither of us had been there before so we had a blast doing everything. Of course we had to go on the It's A Small World Ride. Who wouldn't? We sang of course, making a little remix of the entire thing.

"Maybe we can get Lin to help us with that." Jasmine laughed when we got off the ride.

"Yes!" I laughed with her. We enjoyed the roller coasters and many other things Disney had to offer us. Had lunch, rode the train and of course enjoyed the light show at the end of the night.

"I had fun." She laughed when we got back to the hotel. "What are our plans tomorrow?" She asked while taking off her Minnie ears.

"Well... We could go back...?" I smirked. She laughed at the idea and shrugged it off. "Or we can go tour the city. Have fun while we're here doing touristy things."

"Like?" She asked while changing into her pjs.

"I don't know." I smiled. "We could go on a bus tour. Or we can go to the beach?" I shrugged. She nodded and looked up at me. "What? Don't you want to play on the beach?"

"I want to." She smiled. "But the thought of you in a bikini or any type of swim suit just...." She bit her lip and smiled.

"Oh really?" I smirked.

It wasn't too late, so we decided to swim in the hotel pool to cool down. Who knew it would be this hot here? Not as hot as New York got during the Summers, but it was still pretty hot.

"Just get in already." I laughed while pulling at Jasmine's legs. She sat at the edge of the pool looking at me with a smile.

"It's too cold." She laughed.

"Well, it gets warmer if you come in with me." I smiled. She groaned, but eventually slid down into the pool with me. "See? So much better."

"It's so cold!" She shivered. I wrapped my arms around her and swam with her in my arms. "Now, this I like." She laughed.

"I like it too." I smiled. We were very lucky to be alone. I didn't like being around so many people when I was with her. "Your birthday is coming up.. What did you want to do?" I asked her.

"Well... We'll be busy doing shows... So we can't go see my extended family..." She frowned.

"Where are they at?" I asked.

"England." She answered.

"Wow.. That far? Maybe we can see them next summer?" I raised an eyebrow. She nodded and wrapped her arms around my neck. I was so happy to have her in my life. I know I say that so much, but I still couldn't believe it. She was perfect to me. A few people showed up, looked like a bunch of teenagers... Jasmine kept her arms around me, but was very weary of the kids walking in. They were being loud and obnoxious already....

"Let's go!" One of the guys yelled while jumping into the pool. I frowned and looked at Jasmine.

"You wanna go?" I whispered.

"Yeah... They don't look very friendly." She mumbled. She climbed out before me, and I heard the kids start yelling at each other already. Yelling about god knows what. Who let's their kids just run around like that?

"Hey!" I heard someone yell. "Why are you two leaving?" A guy yelled at us. Jasmine looked up at me and I shook my head. We gathered our things and left. We weren't going to hang out with some rowdy teenagers. "Fine be that way!" He yelled at us as we left.

"Just a couple of prudes!" A girl laughed. I wrapped my arm around Jasmine just to keep her from wanting to kill them.

"Who the fuck raises their kids to be that rude?!" Jasmine shouted when we got into our hotel room.

"Jasmine, calm down. It's literally nothing we can do. They're just a bunch of jerks. Let's just turn on a movie and relax." I said while sitting on the bed. She groaned while grabbing her towel. I watched her walk into the bathroom and shut the door. Guess she was just going to try and relax that way. I know she got really upset with how rude people got, but no one can control that. I was upset too, but I wasn't going to let anyone ruin my week here with her. I heard the tub faucet be turned on and I waited. She was going to need a lot of time before I walked in there and tried to calm her down. After a bit I opened the door a bit and saw her with her eyes closed...

"I hear you Pip.." she sighed.

"I'm just checking to see that you're okay." I said while walking into the bathroom. "I know you're not but, I worry." I frowned.

"I just hate when people are rude for no reason. They see that there are already people there yet they still choose to be the dumb assholes they are." She frowned.

"I know. But you can't really control that..." I frowned. She sighed and massaged her temples. This was not the best vacation anyone had ever taken before I'll say that... "But right now you're away from them. Your with me and we can curl up together when you're done and head to bed." I smiled sweetly. She let out a little laugh and looked up at me. "I'll see you when you get out." I bent over to kiss her forehead and she smiled even more. At least I got her to relax more now. Hopefully this vacation will be what she needs now. 

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