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October 2014

For everyone things would've been normal. Both of them were already in a steady relationship not thinking of anything else in life. Both of them thinking it was going to be perfect for them.

Jasmine walked down the road to the Public Theatre. She didn't know what to expect with this new show, she had heard a few names from the cast since her family were very big into the show business already. She walked through the doors, immediately hearing people talking already. She felt a little nervous, but who wouldn't feel nervous?

"Jasmine! Everyone!" Lin, the creator of the show, spoke loudly. Jasmine smiled nervously and watched Lin introduce her to the crowd. "She's going to be playing Peggy and Maria, so please welcome her!" He explained. Lin turned to look at her while the crowd continued to talk amongst themselves. "Not everyone is here yet, but the two who are playing your sisters are right over there." He pointed. Jasmine nodded and walked over to the two girls sitting at the top of the stairs away from people. She had sworn she had seen the taller one before, but had never seen the other one.

"Come join us!" One of the shouted. Jasmine smiled and headed up the stairs to sit with them. "I'm Renee and this is Phillipa." She smiled.

"Call me Pippa." The girl laughed.

"I'm Jasmine. So, you two are playing my sisters?" She said while sitting in front of them on a lower stair. Pippa and Renee nodded slowly, thinking of how everything was going to be. Renee hoped they would become really good friends, as did Pip and Jasmine. Pippa was busy side tracked through how she was going to catch the train later in her mind though.

Jasmine couldn't help but wonder why Pippa looked so distant. As if she was completely zoned out and somewhere else. She also couldn't help but see Pippa as an adorable human being. 'Snap out of it Jas. Pippa is going to be your sister. Not your lover. You have a boyfriend. It's not okay.' She thought.

Pippa had noticed Jasmine's cheeks turning a bit pink, 'She must be running a fever.' She thought. Their little group talked more, each revealing their lives to one another. Jasmine learning that both Pippa and Renee had brothers but no sisters. Jasmine revealed that she didn't have any siblings and felt like she missed the bond they had with their siblings.

"I mean, don't get me wrong, I love my brother." Pippa started. "But I would have loved to not deal with it. There were so many things that would go wrong because of him." She sighed.

"Or the whole tormenting from brothers too. It's terrible. I love him thought." Renee laughed. Pippa nodded and looked down at Jasmine.

"I'll sell you my brother." She smirked.

"I don't want him." Jasmine laughed.


Jasmine's POV

I sat next to Renee while we ran through getting to know everyone and passing out the scores for everyone. It was a huge binder for everyone. I couldn't even begin to imagine how he wrote all of this and managed to keep it all in one place. Pippa sat on my right, but was scrolling through text messages on her phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Looking for a link my boyfriend sent me. It was to his band and I have to pretend to be interested in it or he'll act like a little baby." She sighed.

"Why pretend? Is it bad?" I frowned. She nodded and clicked on another message chain. I felt bad that she had some guy in her life that was obsessed over a band. I wondered if she had even thought about breaking up with him because of it. But I wasn't going to pry on the first day either.

After we went over the opening number a few times, I felt like I was going to fall in love with this musical faster than I've ever fallen in love with anything. It felt so raw in emotions. I wondered how a lot of people were going to handle it.

"So, what now?" I asked Pippa and Renee when we finished.

"Well. I have to go rescue my husband from my kids." Renee laughed. "I'll see both of you tomorrow." She said while hugging us. I smiled and looked at Pippa. She had a blank face, but her fingers were tapping a mile a minute...

"You good?" I asked her.

"Yeah. Hang on." She said while putting her phone to her ear. I watched her and saw her blank face turn into a confused face, then into an angry one... "No! You listen to me! You never listen to me!" She said quietly while walking away.

"Jasmine! You're doing great." I looked back and smiled at Lin. He was so nice to everyone. I looked around at the theatre and couldn't help but feel giddy about being here. It was going to be an amazing musical I could feel it. Pippa walked back over to me with one hand running through her hair and the other holding her phone.

"Sorry, I couldn't keep texting. It was getting aggravating." She sighed.

"Who was it?" I asked her.

"My now Ex. I need to stop dating stupid.." she groaned.

"What happened?" I frowned.

"Nothing that should worry anyone." She shrugged. "He was just being stupid and only cared for his stupid band. Saying they'll make it to the top before I make it to Broadway." She scoffed. "The only way they're gonna do that is if they quit now." She laughed. I nodded and watched her. She looked like she was going to cry so I wrapped my arms around her torso.

"It's okay to cry. Even if he was the stupid one." I whispered. She nodded and wrapped her arms tightly around me. I heard her sniff, so hopefully a good cry was what she needed. I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach while I hugged her. Why was I nervous? I couldn't feel nervous. She was a friend who needed comfort and support...

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