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Pippa's POV

We forced our way through the rest of the show. Completely hid everything when celebrities and important people came back stage to meet us. After, Jasmine had her dressing room door shut. As did I. I sat there and bawled. I didn't know what to do anymore.

"Pippa... Hey, it's okay..." My helper whispered.

"How can I be okay?" I sobbed. I didn't have my dress on anymore, but I had my corset and everything else that I had to wear under my dress.

"Pippa... Please let us in!" I heard some of the ensemble girls knocking on the door.

"Do you want them in?" My helper frowned. I shook my head and buried it in my blanket that I kept here. I heard the door open slightly and the girls started firing off questions. Only for them all to be shot down by my new best friend.

"Dammit." I heard someone groan. "Move." I heard the door open wider and felt someone grab the back of my corset.

"Renee!" I gasped when I saw her.

"What the hell happened?!" She yelled. I broke down into tears again and fell to the floor. I didn't know what to say to anyone. It was all becoming too much. Way too much. "Fine." She sighed. She was already dressed in her street clothes and she sat next to me on the floor. "Pippa, please tell me what happened.." she sighed.

"She broke up with me." I sniffed. "She said she didn't deserve me." I hiccuped. "It's all my fault.." I cried. "I don't deserve her. She's the angel. It's all my fault." I sobbed.

"I'm getting Jasmine they need to talk this out." Ariana frowned.

"Don't. They need their space right now." Renee said quietly. "Let's get you out of this corset Pip." She said while helping me up. "Girls, can you help me?" Renee whispered. Ariana and Carleigh came inside and helped me get undressed. I wasn't a child, but I felt so weak. I couldn't even stand up when Renee questioned me.

When they finished helping me, Carleigh offered me to stay with her for the night. I declined, hoping I could just wander the city streets for a while.

"Are you sure?" She frowned.

"I'll be fine..." I sniffed. Half of the cast didn't stagedoor, which I'm sure fans were completely furious with us, but they were going to have to deal with it. I wandered my way through the nearly empty streets and found myself walking to the train station. I guess I would have to go home eventually... I waited at the train station, watching every single train pass by. I waited until the last one showed up then got on. It was nearly two in the morning when it came to my stop.

I walked up the empty stairs, into the empty streets.. And made my way to the apartment. I looked up at the building and saw the lights to our apartment still on. I tried my best to let her fall asleep before I got home... Guess she was just as sleepless as me...

When I got into the apartment itself, the living room light was on. I looked down the hall towards her room and saw the door half open with the light off. I quietly walked down the hall and heard sniffling coming from the bedroom. I frowned and decided to walk into the bedroom. She laid under the blankets, in almost eighty degree weather inside, crying... I sat on the bed, opposite of her and felt the tears come falling down. I didn't deserve her... She was the perfect one not me.

"I'm so sorry.." I whispered. "I'm the one who doesn't deserve you. I've been nothing but terrible this whole relationship. You've been the one who has kept me going this long. But I can't bring you down anymore. I'll start looking for a new place to live tomorrow... I probably won't come home tomorrow either..." I cried. It hurt so much to say all of that. But it needed to be said. I felt the bed move and heard the covers being thrown off.

"Please don't leave." She whispered.

"I can't stay." I cried. "It's all my fault. Everything is always going to be my fault." I felt her arms wrap around my torso and felt her head resting on my back.

"It's not Pippa. Please don't leave. I'm so sorry. I don't want to be without you." She cried. "I can't be without you. You're my everything.." She sniffed. "Just please stay..." I turned my head slightly to try and see her. I removed her hands from me and turned to see her. "Please.." She sobbed.

"I.." I frowned. I didn't want to leave. I loved her. I couldn't leave.... Her eyes were so red and puffy, her face looked as if she hadn't been sleeping for days.... I pulled her into a hug and continued crying. "I'll stay." I whispered. Her grip tightened on me and a whole fresh set of tears came from both of us. I rubbed her back while we embraced each other. Who knew I would be this romantically attached to a girl. I had always thought I was straight, but never tried to go against it. I was so happy with her... I couldn't imagine my life without her. "I have to change." I said quietly. She let me go and watched me walk into the closet to change into pajamas. I started walking out into the living room and heard her take a deep breath. "I'm just going to turn off the light." I reassured her. 

When I came back into the bedroom, Jasmine was already back under the covers waiting for me. I smiled a little, glad to see her not violently crying anymore. I slid into bed and pulled her close to me. 

"Please promise me you'll never leave..." She whispered while turning into my chest. 

"I promise. Now get some sleep." I whispered. She nodded and closed her eyes. I kissed her forehead and fell asleep rather quickly. Thank goodness.

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