795 37 7

July 2015

Jasmine's POV

"All I'm saying is that you don't need to be so angry!" I whisper yelled at Pip.

"Me? You're the one freaking out all of a sudden! How am I supposed to deal with that??" Pippa whisper shouted back. I groaned and left her dressing room. That's all we've been doing since we started these stupid previews is fight. I sat in my dressing room brushing out my hair before my helper came in. We tried to keep it together when people were around, but once we were alone, that's all we did. We didn't even sleep in the same bed anymore. She slept out on the couch while I slept in the bed. You could see it wasn't doing her any good... She had bags under her eyes and she couldn't even stand to wear the corset the full night anymore.

"You look stressed." My helper said when she saw my face.

"I feel stressed." I groaned. She helped me with my hair and I helped by holding the mic tape for her.

"Want to talk about it?" She frowned.

"I'm fine... It'll blow over hopefully." I sighed. She nodded once, then went back to putting everything in place. I felt terrible for arguing with her before a show, but I guess it's going to have to be brushed aside... Like everything else in our lives...

We had finished our opening number and preparing to go on for our next number... Pippa walked out of her dressing room in her teal blue dress and I couldn't believe how fast her dresser was.. Guess you had to be when you had more than just a few costume changes...

"Pip you look pissed..." I heard Renee say to her in the hall.

"I'm just tired. It'll be fine." She answered. I frowned and looked down while my helper did some touch ups to my hair.

"Are you okay?" She asked quickly.

"I don't know." I sniffed. My little tears had turned into full out bawling and all she could do was watch in complete shock that I broke down right there...

"Jasmine... You have to keep it together. Be the strong girl I know you are. Don't let someone get into your head." She said while hugging me. I nodded and did my best to clean myself up. With both of us working on my face to cover up any sign of crying, we had finished in no time. "Now go out there and give it your all." She gave me a reassuring smile and I felt a little better.

When we did the Schuyler sister's number I felt a little better. But seeing Pippa's face didn't help any... Nor did holding her hand help. When we finally got through our songs together I felt drained already... Pippa looked exhausted already too.. I wished I could talk to her and make things right... I wished I hadn't been so angry in the first place... I couldn't even remember why we had started arguing in the first place...

I sat in my dressing room waiting for my helper to come back from the restroom. Renee was sitting in her's across the hall, and right next to her dressing room was Pippa's. Her door was shut so I knew she was either out and about somewhere or she was changing already.

"Jasmine are you okay?" I heard Renee ask.

"I'm fine." I mumbled. I was hunched over on my vanity not even looking at anything. My mind was scattered within itself and I needed one person to talk to me. And she wouldn't even look at me unless it was written in the play.

"What's wrong?" Her voice was closer now, I knew she was standing in my room since I left the door open unless I was changing.

"I'm just tired." I lied.

"Both you and Pip have been acting weird all week. Talk to me." She said while grabbing a chair. She sat in next to me and rested her head on her vanity so she could look at me. I felt the tears coming again and I couldn't cry. I just couldn't. "Oh Jazzy.." She said while pulling me into a hug. "It'll be okay." She whispered while rubbing my back. I heard more people walk by and knew Renee was shooting them off. "No, you get in here and fix this." I heard her say.

"Me??" Pippa asked. "I'm just as confused as you are as to why she's crying!" She confessed.

"Then get in here and fix it." Renee growled. I shook my head and quickly wiped my eyes.

"I'm fine..." I lied. Renee looked at me the same way the helper did... Completely shocked... I turned to look at Pip and she didn't look too happy... Or angry... She looked completely concerned with me...

"I'm locking you both in here." Renee said while walking out. She shut the door behind her leaving Pip and I alone. Pippa took Renee's old seat and held my hand.

"I'm sorry..." She said quietly.

"I'm fine.." I repeated. "I understand why you were so upset with me. I'm a terrible girlfriend. I don't deserve you." I frowned.

"Jasmine.." I looked up at her and saw tears in her eyes. I shook my head and yanked my hand from hers.

"I..." I held back everything. "I don't think I can be with you..." My voice cracked halfway through. The lump in my throat hurt me greatly.. My eyes were now streaming again. I heard her stand up and begin to walk out. I continued crying. I didn't even want to be here anymore. I couldn't do anything right. I heard the door open and heard people scatter.

"Pip? What—" I heard Renee start. "Where are you going?!"

"Oh no.." It sounded like Groff... I heard a few people walk in, and felt them give me hugs. They shouldn't be hugging me. They should be hugging Pippa...

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