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Jasmine's POV

She held my hand. She held my hand. Oh my goodness! I didn't know why her hands were clammy though... Maybe she was just nervous to sing on the stage. Or maybe she felt nervous because of me... I mean, I'm nothing to gawk over... Just normal me...

When rehearsals were over we were allowed to finally see what our dressing rooms looked like. Renee, Pippa and I walked in and we started smiling at the sight. It was going to be real soon! I was upset that my area wasn't next to Pip's but I couldn't get upset. She can't know I had a mini crush on her. We set a few things down so that way we could leave them for a while. We were going to be here for a while anyway. Renee had gone off to ask Lac about one of her songs while Pip and I stayed in our little swivel chairs.

"Did you know that Thomas Jefferson had the first swivel chair?" Pippa smirked.

"You're such a nerd." I joked. She shrugged and spun around in it a few times. When she stopped she looked sick. "You look like your going to throw up." I laughed.

"Just a bit." She said while holding her head in her hands. I jumped out of my chair and sat in Renee's. I scooted myself closer to her and placed my hands on her knees. "Remind me to never do that again. I'm so dizzy." She mumbled.

"I'll try." I whispered. Maybe I could see about her coming over again.. We could hang out and watch movies.. "Hey, crazy idea, wanna hang at my place tonight and watch Netflix?" I asked her. She looked up at me and smiled a bit. "You don't have to if you don't want to..." I said nervously.

"I would love that." She said quickly. I could've leaped a thousand feet into the air. She said yes to a little movie time with me!


We sat in my apartment living room watching whatever Disney movies Netflix had to offer us. I wanted to desperately just hold her hand again. It felt right to me, but what if she didn't want to? I tried to focus on the movie but it was impossible. It was a good movie? Obviously. Stitch the Movie was always a great one. Towards the end I started tearing up, which turned into all out crying. Bad move Jasmine. Bad move.

"Are you okay?" Pippa frowned.

"I'm fine.." I sniffed.

"Come here." She said while pulling me into her side. I guess me crying had lead me into something better than hand holding... She had her left arm around me and rubbing my arm. Her entire body had shifted for me to lean more into her. I couldn't help but feel even more nervous now. She was actually holding me...

"I'm sorry... Just this movie gets me." I laughed while wiping my tears.

"It's okay." Pippa smiled. I leaned my head back a bit to rest on her shoulder and continued to watch the movie. When it ended I reached for the remote and immediately went back to my cuddling position with Pippa. "What now?" She asked quietly.

"Well. We can watch another Disney movie if you want." I shrugged.

"Do you like horror movies?" She asked.

"I love them." I gasped. "And it's close to Halloween!" I added. She nodded and I scrolled through the horror movie category. We picked one that we hadn't seen before, which was a risk since sometimes horror movies were more stupid than scary. We had to go through that process three times before we settled on one we had seen before.

"Oh I remember this one." Pippa shuttered when the beginning scenes started.

"It's been a while for me.. I can only remember certain parts." I shrugged. She nodded and pulled the blanket over us. I felt so safe with her. Even if we were going to be watching this horrific thing...

About thirty minutes in, I was already covering my eyes and hoping the scene would be over.

"Just tell me when it's over!" I shouted while hiding under the blanket.

"It's not that bad!" Pippa laughed. "NEVERMIND." She yelled while pulling the blanket up for her to hide in. I laughed at her 'bravery', causing her to laugh with me. "It got worse." She smiled. "It's a good movie though."

"It is." I smiled. I could just kiss her right now if I had the courage. But I didn't. I really wanted to... She was so gorgeous... "I have a question.." I whispered.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"A-Are you still single?" I asked quickly.

"Yeah... Why?" She said while getting out from the blanket. I pulled the blanket off of her and laughed when I saw how her hair got all staticky from the blanket.

"Just... Asking." I mumbled. She nodded and looked back at the tv. I sighed and rested my head back on her shoulder. I wasn't really paying attention to the movie anymore... I just wish I could reach over and just kiss her already. But what if she didn't like me like that?

When I finally decided to pay attention to the movie, of course it was during a part where there was a creepy dude standing at the end of a dark hallway. I frowned and looked down at Pip's hands on the blanket instead.

"He's gonna kill her." Pippa smiled.

"You're so morbid." I laughed.

"Just a bit." She winked. I looked up and watched the creepy dude chase the girl down the hall and I grabbed Pippa's hand. I couldn't watch, but I had to! I just had to! The guy threw his knife and hit the girl right in the back. I winced and looked at Pip. She was looking in my direction and smiled. "The things we watch." She laughed.

"They're so addicting though." I smirked. She nodded and looked down at our hands. I loosened my grip since the one scene was over but didn't let go.

"Um... Jas? Can I ask you something?" She asked. I looked at her and saw her cheeks turn pink.

"Sure." I answered.

"Have you ever had a crush on someone you probably shouldn't?" She asked quietly. She refused to look up at me, which was weird...

"M-maybe..." I answered. I did have a crush on her, but I couldn't... "Why?" I asked.

"I... I um... Have this crush on someone.. And I can't tell them I don't think.." She mumbled.

"Well you'll never know if you can tell them if you don't tell them." I replied. She nodded and looked up at me. "Who is it? I promise I won't tell." I said while squeezing her hand a bit. She let go of my hand and shook her head. I frowned and looked at her. She had fully sat up now with me right next to her. "Pippa, it's okay. You don't have to tell me." She turned her head to look at me and she took in a deep breath. "Pip?" I asked. "Are you okay..?" I frowned. She let out the air she took in and kissed me quickly.

It felt amazing... Even if it was quick... I didn't know what to do when it happened though.. It happened so fast.

"Um... I-I... Think I should go.." She mumbled while attempting to untangle herself from the blanket. I grabbed her arm and looked up at her. "I'm so sorry..." She said without looking at me.

"Don't be." I smiled.

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