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Jasmine's POV

Why was I so jealous of her going on a date? It was like I had a crush on her or something... I'll admit, I did try to look good for her today.. Just to show that I can look nice all the time... She looked so much better today since she wasn't completely glued to her phone in an argument that never seemed to end. I couldn't believe she was going to try and move on so quickly. But I guess I couldn't really judge her either. I would probably want to make sure I wouldn't go running into his arms again.. My boyfriend hadn't been texting me for a few days since he was busy with his work too. He wasn't in the whole show business area, he had a normal job, but I did miss him... My phone dinged with a message from him and I lit up. He was always perfect with timing.

'Jasmine, we need to talk when you get a chance.'

I didn't know what he would want to talk about but maybe it was for him to come home? He had been traveling a lot so maybe he was going to take a vacation for once and actually stop worrying about work. I texted him quickly and immediately my phone was ringing.

"Hey!" I smiled while answering.

"Hey.." Robert, answered.

"How's Vermont?" I asked him.

"Cold.. Look, I don't want to beat around the bush... I just want to get this off my chest..." he sighed. "Jasmine, I can't keep up with you. You're always going to be doing this theatre stuff and I don't think I like that. I don't like the idea of you kissing other people on stage and acting like you're in love with them. I know I probably shouldn't feel like that, but I can't help it. When you told me what your character had to do I just lost it. I can't be with you if your just going to keep on with this career." He explained. I was completely taken back... He never had a problem before...

"I'm not quitting." I said quietly. I could feel the tears wanting to slip out of my eyes. I knew what was coming...

"Then I can't be with you. Goodbye Jasmine." He said before hanging up. I put my phone on the table and started crying. How could he act like this? He said that he loved me recently then this all happens and now I'm nowhere... Maybe he didn't love me. Maybe it was all an act. Just dated me because he didn't want to be alone. I guess that's all I am in the world to people...

I flipped through the score and read through a few songs. I sighed and hoped we would sing something different tomorrow. I wished I didn't have to play this role anymore... It was just hurting me now. I lost my boyfriend and now I was going to have to face everyone tomorrow without breaking down. I read through one of my songs and sighed.

"And Peggy." I sighed. "Sounds about right." I frowned. "That's all I'll ever be. And Jasmine. Left out. Forgotten. Yup." I mumbled to myself. My phone lit up with a text, this time from Pippa. I wondered why she was texting me. She was busy on that date...

'This chick is talking all about herself... Kill me. Another date down the drain. :('

I laughed at her luck and felt a little better now that I knew she wasn't having a good time either. I texted her back of course.

'Come hang out with me. I'm a better person to hang out with anyway!'

Then it hit me... Another date? With a chick? Was she dating girls now?! Maybe she was bisexual? Well, whatever she was, I guess it was okay. She was a nice person and deserved someone to treat her good in her life. My phone lit up again and I smiled.

'I can be at your house right now if you give me an address.'

I quickly sent her my address for her to have an escape from that awful date. I wasn't going to miss an opportunity. I then looked up around at my apartment and mentally slapped myself. I had a lot of cleaning to do before she got here...

There was knocking at my door within fifteen minutes and I felt like I had at least done something that made it look cleaner... I jumped over the couch and smoothed out my shirt before opening the door. When I did, Pippa stood there looking down the hall of my apartment building.

"You found it!" I laughed. She smiled and engulfed me in a hug. "How bad was that date?" I asked her.

"Just terrible." She frowned. I moved out of her way and she walked inside my apartment. "Shoes on or off?" She asked before walking further into the apartment.

"You can keep them on." I smiled. So polite... "So, what happened?" I frowned while shutting the door. She sighed and walked over to the couch. She sat down and began talking about how her friend had set her up with a friend of theirs and she was really pretty, but had a personality like a rock.

"She was completely fake and had no idea what to talk about. Stella tried getting her to talk about other things rather than herself but we always seemed to get back to that topic." She frowned. "How can you even talk about yourself for an hour and a half?" She groaned. I shrugged and watched her movements. She was uncomfortable with everything I could tell.

"Maybe you should wait a bit. That's what I'm gonna do." I shrugged.

"What do you mean?" She frowned. "Did you break up with your boyfriend?" She asked.

"He broke up with me..." I said slowly. Pippa frowned at my words then slid over to my side to give me a hug. I didn't cry since I had already cried over it. I'll probably cry again but at night and away from everyone. "Thank you." I whispered.

"You're welcome." Pippa sighed. "We'll find the right ones. One of these days." She laughed while pulling away from the hug. I nodded in agreement, hoping she was right. I couldn't help but think that maybe Pippa was the right one for me? No. I couldn't think like that. I couldn't. But I really, really wanted to.

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