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Jasmine's POV

I was so happy to finally have a day where I could finally sit down with my parents and talk with them. Pippa on the other hand was shaking like a leaf.

"Calm down. They'll love you." I laughed.

"I'm just afraid... Your parents mean so much to you..." she frowned.

"Well when I meet your parents, I promise to try and not be scared." I laughed. Her eyes widened and she shook her head. I frowned and looked at her. "What?" I asked.

"I think we should wait to have you meet my parents..." she said quickly. I frowned and tightened my grip on her hand. She sighed and looked up at me. "My mom would totally be okay with this. But I've never heard my dad say anything good about gays... I've never heard him say anything bad though..." she frowned.

"I get it." I kissed her hand and we turned the corner to my parents house. "Now, really, calm down." I sighed. "My dad can feel fear." I whispered. She gulped and looked at the door while I rang the doorbell. My mom answered and engulfed me in a huge hug.

"My little Jasmine!!" She laughed.

"Hi mom." I smiled.

"You must be Phillipa." She said while pulling her into a hug too.

"Please, call me Pippa." Pip laughed. Mom nodded and we walked into the house. I couldn't believe that my mom was so accepting of her right away. Usually my mom took forever to accept anyone. I guess since Pippa is already a huge part in my life, she had to accept it.

"How long have you two been together again?" Mom asked while sitting down on the couch.

"Six months." I answered. Pippa and I sat next to each other on the other couch across from her and I placed my hand on her knee. "Its been a wild six months, but I love every day I spend with her." I said while looking at her. She smiled and placed her hand on top of mine. It was kind of hard to believe I got such a cutie in my life...

"Is Jasmine here yet?" I heard my dad ask.

"Yeah, I'm here!" I called out. He turned the corner to walk into the living room and I stood up to hug him. "Hi daddy." I smiled.

"How have you been?" He asked me.

"Good." I said while pulling away from him. "Dad, this is my girlfriend Phillipa." I said while introducing her. "But she goes by Pippa too." I smiled. Pippa stood up and shook his hand. Good move.

"Pippa?" He laughed.

"A nickname that stuck. Well, it's evolved from another nickname that only my immediately family calls me." She laughed.

"And what is that nickname if you don't mind me asking." My dad asked.

"Uh... Pea soup..." She laughed nervously.

"Why is that?" He laughed. All of us sat back down and she smiled.

"Well, because of my last name. It's Soo, so my initials are really close to Pea Soup. And it stuck..." She explained. I nodded and tried to read my father's expressions. He seemed to like her.. Hopefully he did.

Lunch was fun, dad and Pippa made jokes about everything, causing mom and I to burst out laughing. I was very happy that everyone got along just fine.

"Well Jasmine. I think this has to be the most well mannered person you've brought home to meet us." Mom smiled. Dad agreed with her and I saw Pippa blush a little.

"Thank you." I grinned.

"Yes, thank you." Pippa blushed. We continued talking for a while, eventually leaving since Pippa and I had an interview later.

"That went well." I smiled as we walked down the road. She nodded and looked at the different buildings that we passed. We walked arm in arm since we still hadn't come out as a couple yet. But I knew that people here wouldn't be so angry with us. Everyone knew my family so they wouldn't dare do anything to me.

"I'm thinking of going to see my parents during our break." Pippa spoke quietly. "They'll love to see me again." She smiled.

"I think you should. How long has it been since you're last visit?" I asked her. She shrugged and looked down as we walked.

"You can come with if you want. I should tell my parents about us. It wouldn't be right to just have them in the dark this whole time." She smiled a a little and looked up at me. I was happy she was going to tell them about this whole ordeal. But I didn't want her to have to do it because she felt the need to. She had to be ready to tell them. She still looked terrified but hopefully within a month she'll be okay to talk about it.

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