652 33 4

May 2016

Pippa's POV

Location. Check. Food. Check. Dresses. Check. Family. Check. Friends. Check.

Everything was done. It was amazing to think that we figured everything out just a few weeks before the wedding. I was getting antsy just wanting to be married already.

"Calm down!" My Mom laughed.

"I can't help it!!" I laughed while running back and forth through the apartment. "I get married in literally three weeks." I smiled.

"She has every right to be this excited Shelia." My Dad laughed.

"I know but still. She needs to calm down. Or the neighbors will think she's on some sort of drug." Mom frowned. I sighed and sat down in the chair next to the couches. Jasmine was on her way with her parents and mike were being killjoys. As usual. The door eventually clicked open revealing Jasmine smiling.

"I kidnapped them!" She laughed while walking in more.

"So nice to meet you both finally!" Jasmine's parents smiled. My parents smiled and stood up to talk with them. I was grateful that they hit it off nicely.

"Thank God they hit it off." Jasmine whispered.

"I know right..." I said while wrapping my arm around her. "I can't wait to marry you." I smiled.

"Me either." She said while kissing my cheek.


All of us sat at the dinner table, talking among one another, making jokes and whatnot. Jasmine's parents were so nice, I couldn't believe that they got along so well with my parents.

"Yes, we love it!" My mom laughed. I rolled my eyes at my mom's enthusiasm, knowing after at least a glass and a half of wine, she would get loud like this. Jasmine's hand was holding onto mine, my thumb lightly grazed over the top of her hand, causing her to look up and smile at me.

"I am so happy our little Jasmine has found your daughter." Her father smiled. "I've never seen her this happy before and I've seen her do so many things that could cause her to be this happy." He said while wrapping his arm around his wife.

"We're happy Pippa met Jasmine too. I've never seen her this happy either." My dad grinned. I smiled at their kind words and looked at them. They were so kind... I couldn't wait to marry into this family. I'm sure Jasmine was excited to marry into mine, no matter how boring they were.

When we finished our dinner, her parents went back to their house while mine went back to their hotel. Jasmine was busy cleaning what she thought was dirty while singing to her Pandora stations. I stayed on the couch reading a new book I had gotten a few weeks prior.

"We still haven't decided who's name...." Jasmine said while putting a dish cloth onto the counter.

"Well..." I said while shutting my book. "I wouldn't mind yours." I shrugged. She frowned at me then walked over towards me.

"But then you're getting rid of your last name." She said while sitting next to me.

"Jasmine, I know who I am, and I know I'm always going to have it as a stage name. But, I really wouldn't mind having yours." I smiled.

"I wouldn't mind having yours either. I'm always going to have my stage name too, but... I really, really, don't want you to give up your name just for me." She sighed. I put my book down, sat up more in my seat and looked at her. My hands found their way to her face and I looked into her gorgeous brown eyes...

"I would do anything for you. You know this." I whispered. She nodded and I pressed my lips on hers. "It would be an honor to have your last name." I said when we broke apart.

"Is that your final decision?" She asked quietly.

"Of course." I smiled. She leaned in for another kiss, which I happily let happen.


"Just calm down." Jasmine sighed. "Things like this happen!" She said while holding the pin cushion for my dresser. I had gotten it caught on the door on my way out of my dressing room and it had ripped. Of course it ripped. This day was going to be terrible.

"It shouldn't happen! This is a sign! A sign I shouldn't go on stage tonight." I frowned.

"Pippa. Chill. You're going to be fine on stage." Jasmine frowned. I kept looking down at my dress. Why did this happen to me? I'm going to mess up today. I just know I will. My eyes glanced up in the mirror to see Jasmine looking at me through the mirror. "It's going to be okay." She whispered.

"I hope so." I sighed. How could such a human be so calming? She made everything feel so normal. I felt like all of my nerves just melted when I saw her. Even if I couldn't hold her all the time when we were here. I just needed to glance at her to know everything was going to be okay.

I had gone through the show without much error, just the usual, mess up one note during a song or two. I walked out after the Reynolds Pamphlet and heard Burn start up. I waited, waited, opened my mouth... For nothing.... No words were coming to my mind... Oh god... My worst nightmare.... I heard a few lyrics being said from under me and I found my place. Once I finished I ran from everyone, straight to my dressing room to change.

"Pippa!" Jasmine said while running out in her new dress. I looked up at her with tears in my eyes. "Oh Pipsy..." She frowned while hugging me. "It's okay... I would say stop crying but you have to keep crying..." She let out a little laugh and I just rested my head on her shoulder.

"All tied up." My dresser said while patting my back.

"Thank you." I sniffed.

"It'll be okay. Everyone messes up." Jasmine said quietly. She kissed my cheek and looked at me. "It'll be okay." She kept repeating. "I love you." She whispered. "No matter if you mess up your lines."

"I love you too." I smiled.

"Now go out there and be sad that your son just got shot." She gave an ironic smile, then quickly changed it to a sad smile. "That sounds terrible." She laughed.

"It does, but it's what we do!" I said while walking out with her.

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