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Jasmine's POV

Pippa and I had gone into multiple areas looking at houses. My hopes were to stay near Brooklyn, and so far Pip was agreeing with me. As we walked into the last condo of the day, the realtor kept talking about how this place was great for kids. It was so full of light and perfect white walls. The bedrooms were very spacious and I couldn't believe the price on it. It was a bit pricey, but we would manage.

"I just don't know abut this price..." Pippa sighed as we discussed it. The realtor had given us a bit of space while we looked everything over.

"Well things are always going to be expensive here." I frowned.

"But eleven thousand a month is really not a number I want to see..." She frowned. "But it is the cheapest one, and the most suited.." She said while looking around the kitchen.

"It is. Think of it this way then." I said while standing up from the counter island bar. I walked over to the stove and turned to look at her. "Imagine waking up and walking into this glorious kitchen and seeing our kids running through, laughing their heads off from some joke they told each other." I smiled. "And having our parents come over and your brother with his kids and just..." I took in a breath and looked at her. "What?" I laughed.

"I was not imaging our kids. At all." She smirked. "I was imaging you.. And other things." She winked. I felt my cheeks get hot for a bit and thought about everything we hadn't been doing lately.. Ever since we adopted Diana our bedroom life had suddenly stopped and I missed it. "But I do love this condo. I'm sure we can haggle a price..." She smiled.

"Thank you!" I squealed while walking back over towards her. I kissed her cheek and saw the realtor walk back in.

"Have we agreed on anything?" He smiled while clapping his hands together.

"We have, but we have a few concerns." Pippa started.


"We're what?!" Diana yelled at the dinner table.

"We're moving." I laughed. She pouted and started moving her noodles around with her fork. "I thought you would be excited! You can have a bigger room." I smiled.

"But I like this place. It has all of our things." She frowned.

"Diana sweetie, we would take all of our things with us..." Pippa laughed.

"Oh." She said while scooping some peas onto her spoon.

"And you'll be closer to your new school, closer to your friends." I added. Diana nodded, probably thinking of the many new things she could do once we moved. I was happy that we had gotten the most perfect place for everything. Just a few months and then our newest addition would be here, then we could be super happy with everything.


"This is too hard." Diana sighed.

"Just try a bit." I frowned.

"Look at it this way." Pippa said while pouring out her bowl of mixed nuts onto the coffee table. "You have five cashews." She said while sorting them out. "And you add seven pecans." She said while counting them and pushing them together. "How many nuts do you have all together?" I watched Diana count the nuts on the table and she smiled.

"Twelve!" Diana smiled.

"Good. Now, use those to do your math." She said while pushing them towards her.

"You are going to eat those right?" I asked her.

"Of course. But math is important too right now." She shrugged.


I wanted nothing more than to stay in bed and do absolutely nothing. My stomach was doing flips and my uterus felt like it was trying to rip itself from my body. Pippa's alarm went off, causing my headache to skyrocket.

"Hey, I'm gonna go get Di ready." Pippa yawned while turning off her alarm. I felt the bed shift and felt her hand on my shoulder. "Are you feeling okay?" She whispered.

"I'm having really bad cramps right now." I frowned. "I think I just need to lay here for a bit.." I whispered.

"Alright. You relax today then." I felt her lips on my temple and then felt the bed shift again. Gosh, I was lucky to have her in my life. Who else was going to take care of me like this?

I closed my eyes again, trying to get more sleep in my system. When I woke up, the curtains were still drawn shut and I could hear faint noises of the tv in the living room. I looked at the nightstand and saw a glass of water with some painkillers next to it. I took them and sipped at my water while checking my phone. It was already ten?! I slid out of bed and found my way to the bathroom. I hated this time of the month. Things were always terrible and messy.

"Hey, you feeling any better?" Pippa asked when I emerged from the bedroom.

"A little. Thank you for leaving me the pain killers." I said while sitting on her lap. "How was the morning routine?"

"A little scattered. Couldn't find shoes for a while." She shrugged. "But we found them eventually."

"Good." I nodded. "How come you never have this much pain during your period?" I asked her.

"Because I've always had light ones." She shrugged.

"Lucky." I scoffed. She smiled at me, knowing she was lucky. No one else that I knew would have this blessing. "We need to start packing..." I frowned while looking around at the apartment.

"Yeah... We should get on that..." she agreed. "Or we can wait until this weekend. We already put the deposit down so... I mean... It can wait." She laughed.

"I know. I just don't want it to be overwhelming." I sighed. "Plus we need to tell the landlord we're leaving and then we need to sell this place." I felt a little lump in my throat as I said those words...

"Are you sad?" She frowned, her hands wrapping around me.

"I just didn't think I'd ever sell this place. Or find someone to marry you know?" I sniffed. The tears were already coming now. Why did I get so emotional all the time?!

"It'll be okay." Pippa said quietly. "I promise" she kissed my cheek and smiled. I knew it was going to be okay. Another chapter of our lives together. And it was going to be great.

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