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April 2015

Pippa's POV

"Move in with me. It'll be easier on you and that way things can be happier at the end of the night. No more saying goodbye at the subway." Jasmine said.

Oh how I loved when she said those words. My roommate was happy that I found someone to love, of course was still upset that I was leaving. I didn't have much left at the apartment since I had most of it already at Jasmine's place. I sat on our bed and smiled knowing that I didn't ever have to leave this place. Jasmine was still asleep next to me, looking like an angel... I never loved anyone this much before. I slid out of bed to get breakfast going for us and turned on the tv while I cooked. I had it on the news of course since I loved being up to date on how terrible our country was.

"Now with some fun news for the day, new hit musical Hamilton is already showing promise of being one of the top grossing musicals on Broadway. Breaking the last record of how much money a musical like this has made before." The spokeswoman smiled. I laughed a little while whisking some eggs. They were showing some clips from the show and I smiled at how far we had come. We had only been showing for a few months now. How could we already show promise?

"Now what is that one all about again?" The male spokesman asked.

"It's about Alexander Hamilton and the other Founding Fathers of our country. But they use hip hop!" She answered.

"See when I saw it, I loved it. Loved every minute of it. And I hate hip hop!" The older guy laughed. "But they have had some bad rumors about them already." He frowned. I stopped whisking and placed the bowl down on the counter. This I had to hear...

"What bad rumors? The show is outstanding!" The woman laughed.

"Yes it has that. But the cast. Two people who are meant to be playing sisters. They're romantically involved and what kind of message is that?" The old guy frowned. "I don't think they should be together."

"But you're okay with an affair scene in the show?" The other man asked.

"That's history. It's not like they have a full sex scene on stage! But I'm trying to get at the fact that they could be accidentally saying 'hey it's okay to perform incest!'" He frowned.

"Well it was the eighteen hundreds..." the woman stated. "Incest was being performed already." She shrugged. "But that's not the point they are trying to make. They're providing a very fun way to learn about the revolution." She stated. "And so what they're gay? They're actors! Let them be!" She scoffed. I turned off the tv and sighed. We made international news and all they cared about was the money we made and why Jasmine and I were still together.

"Good morning..." Jasmine yawned while walking into the kitchen.

"Good morning." I said while picking up the eggs again. She wrapped her arms around me and smiled. "How did you sleep?" I mumbled.

"Good." She answered. "You?"

"Good." I forced a smile out and started cooking. I didn't want to believe that people cared about that. People shouldn't care. We weren't telling people to go marry their siblings or relatives. We weren't even related. I finished making breakfast and didn't even feel hungry anymore. So I set up Jasmine's plate and set it on the counter. I walked into the bathroom and started getting ready to shower.

"You're honor going to eat?" She asked.

"I'm not all that hungry today.." I shrugged. She nodded and walked back into the kitchen. Today was going to be a very long day....


I sat in the dressing room with everything already done up and finished. I had piled some clothes up in front of me on my vanity area and leaned on it. Since the corset would only let me bend so far forward, I had to improvise. Renee frowned at me, just assuming I was tired. Jasmine was in the bathroom fighting with her dress so she could pee. I always told her go before the dress goes on, but sometimes you didn't have to until after..

"You okay Pip?" Renee asked.

"Yeah... Just tired." I lied.

"Well after next month we get a whole month off. No shows not nothing." She smiled. We had to work with so many schedules. Interviews, photo shoots, tv shows... Everyone was running on fumes practically so we looked forward to our break. There was a knock at our door and Lin peeked his head in.

"Hello! Pippa! What are you doing this week?" He asked.

"Uh...." I frowned. "I think I'm performing here aren't I?" I laughed.

"We have that interview." Renee pointed.

"Right." I nodded. "Why?" I asked.

"I need someone to sing this song and Chris is already helping me. So I need your vocal range for it." He said while holding the sheet music up.

"This better not be another addition to Hamilton." I glared. He shook his head and walked into the dressing room.

"It's for that movie I've been working on with Disney." He said while giving the music.

"Oh. Yeah. No problem." I smiled. He did a little happy dance and left the dressing room. I was going to have to work with Chris on this song. Where was I going to find the time? My life was too chaotic for this... but it did look fun. Through the intercom we heard the first places call and I frowned. Jasmine walked out of the bathroom, fixing her dress and singing random notes all over the place.

"Hey, you okay?" She said while placing a hand on my back.

"My mind is scattered right now. I have too much to do this week." I frowned.

"What do you mean?" She said while helping me up from my seat.

"I have eight different interviews this week just by myself, then I have to show up and talk on tv then I have to meet with Britt for lunch and to help her with her score from Great Comet, then I have that lunch date with your parents so I can finally meet them, then Lin needs help with his movie stuff and how am I going to keep this up?" I groaned. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed my cheek.

"Take it one day at a time." She whispered. "And every night I'll be right there with you until you pass out. I promise I won't let you stress out over this. We can reschedule meeting with my parents. They're not going to be mad. They know we're busy." She said while placing her hands on my cheeks. "I love you."

"I love you too." I sighed. We made it down to the stage and she kissed me before she ran to her place. Lin raised an eyebrow at me of course, but he was only teasing. "When do you need me to learn that song by?" I whispered.

"Whenever you're free. I know you're super busy this week. Chris still hasn't learned it yet. I only got him on board this morning." He shrugged. Thank the lord he didn't need it this week. This week was just terrible for me. At least that's one less thing I had to do.

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