Luke: "You know I don't believe you right?"

Michael: "I have no idea what your talking about."

Ellen: "Alright what was the bet?"

Kaila: "We made a bet and the loser had to confess something to their partners that would be embarrassing."

Michael: "She lost."

Kaila: "I've never understood the hype or love for red dead redemption. I didn't ever want to play it and I just don't get the interest in it when you can play similar games and get the same experience."

There was a tense and awkward silence for a few moments.

Jane: "Ok Ellen make sure you have everything done by tonight and sent off. See you tomorrow."

Before I could even blink, Ellen was already out the door with Kaila in hand. More than likely running home so Ellen can teach her the ways of the revolver.

Luke: "What would you have said if you lost?"

Michael: "That's my secret don't you think?"

I looked down and saw him grinning with an evil smile on his face. He's so sneaky and I kind of love it. But I know I can get it out of him with ease.

Michael: "Luke? Babe you're shaking so much are you ok?"

Another thing I love about him, he's really observant.

Luke: "Yeah just uh, nervous."

Michael: "What are you nervous about?"

Luke: "Just... Stuff."

Michael: "I don't believe you for a second. And I won't back down."

Luke: "I know. Which is why you're going to hate me today because I can't tell you."

Michael: "Fine I guess. I mean granted I don't have a choice but I can be grouchy that I don't get to choose right?"

Luke: "You seem to be doing a great job of that already."

Michael: "No really? Me? Never."

Jane: "Do we really have to wait until tonight? I kind of don't want to."

Andy: "Everything is set up already."

Luke: "No tonight."

Michael: "But I'm totally impatient and can't wait that long and OK. I need to go do some stuff anyway today. I'll leave you be and drop off this."

I had barely realized his bag on his back until he took it off and opened it up. Pulling out a container with something chocolate inside.


Within an instant I noticed everyone start to walk towards him but I knew they meant well.

Michael: "If you all calm down."

I watched as he pulled a few more containers out of his bag as he put them all down. One for each member... But one container was missing.

Michael: "If you are wondering about why there are five presenters and then the last three for behind the scenes staff. But one missing, that's because when Kaila told me what her confession was, we both knew Ellen would drag her out of here so she has the last one."

Luke: "Thinking of everything I see."

Michael: "Gotta be ten steps ahead with you guys. Anyway I have some things to do but still meeting back here later when you finish work?"

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