Switched Up (Prinxiety & Logicality)

Start from the beginning

I gave into the urge and let my body move on it's course, yawning a little. When I looked back at myself a moment later, I realized I was in Logan's clothes. Wait, was I Logan? I felt like him, and I was acting like him.

Oh my gosh! I'm Logan!

Logan's POV:

I heard a strange alarm noise that sounded like a song. I wanted to hit snooze because I wanted to sleep longer, but I was confused as to why I wasn't hearing my normal alarm. I got up recognizing that I was in Patton's room. Now, I needed to figure out why. I tried to recall my actions. I don't remember spending the night in Patton's room, although that was quite common for us.

I walked over the dresser, feeling bouncy and bubbly inside for some reason. My eyes widened as I saw myself in his cat onesie. Now why was I in-

Realization hit me then. I felt like Patton, woke up in Patton's room, and I was wearing Patton's clothes. Oh gosh, I was Patton. Some how, some way, I was Patton. We must have swapped places.

Roman's POV:

I rushed out of Virgil's- well, 'MY' room and immediately headed for my actual room. I open the door quickly, finding 'me' standing shirtless in front of the full body mirror. He was looking and ghosting his fingers over the area above the pants line on his hips. He didn't notice me come in, and he looked lost in thought. I strange surge of emotion; I felt... flustered? I was curious for a moment before I snapped out of it.

"Ahem!" I said, clearing my throat. He jumped out of his skin as he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Oh let me guess," 'Roman' said in a monotone voice. "Princey?"

"Virgil?" I said, nodding and gesturing to him. He nodded as we stared at each other for a moment. "What the hell happened?"

He shrugged. "I have no idea," he said looking me up at down. "I-I just woke up and found myself like this."

I noticed the stammer in his voice as he looked at me. What was that about? I looked him up and down, the flustered feeling still there. "Why are you shirtless?" I asked curiously.

I saw his cheeks go red. So THAT'S what is looks like when I blush! "No reason," he said quickly as he pulled and buttoned back on the pajama shirt. I smirked, thinking of several reasons why he could be shirtless while he was mentally Virgil but physically and emotionally me. "It wasn't anything like that you pervert!"

I laughed a little, but a strange surge of thoughts ran through my mind. He's yelling at you. You're annoying him again. He probably hates you. Shut up. "Whoa..." I breathed.

"What?" Virgil as me asked. I shook my head quickly.

"Nothing," I said hastily. I wasn't following the thoughts, I just wanted to hear them. My curiosity was increasing. 'Roman' looked at me curiously.

Pretend you're fine. Don't let him know. It's not his problem so don't be selfish. He wouldn't care anyway.

"Right, well, let's go find Logan and Patton," 'Roman' said. "I have a feeling those two are under similar conditions."

I nodded in agreement as we headed for the common room. I realized I was shorter than him. 'I' being Virgil, and 'he' being me. Huh, the more you know I guess, I never realized. I could feel nervousness in my chest as I walked next to 'myself'. I wonder why...

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