puttin in work @ school

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they actually put them next to each other. I'm living.

Naomi's POV

"So we got assigned to do a report over a celebrity for our semester final." I heard Joelle comment as I stopped at the red light not too far from her school, "I got paired with Cyprus. He's... alright I guess I never talk to him. He hangs out with the so called 'it clique' so we never interact. I'm just afraid he'll argue with me about who to do a report over cause I definitely want to choose a wrestler."

I hummed a bit as the light turned green, not really paying much attention, but still not wanting her realize I wasn't up for much of a conversation.

I was tired, more mentally than I was physically, but nonetheless I was still tired.

Was I tired because of Roman? Of course, but with the break in of our home, AJ being hurt, Roman being arrested, and now Sasha being back, my concerns about Roman were just the icing on the cake.

I was more upset last night than I was back in the office simply because I gave him the chance to explain.

But he didn't tell me.

He can't say that I never gave him the opportunity to explain himself because I did and the fact that he wouldn't tell me hurts.

Roman wasn't just my fiancé. No, at this point in my life he was way more than that.

He wad my best friend.

He's been there for me through all of this and I've done the same for him.

I've told him everything and he's done the same with me.

Until now.

It was upsetting.

I was beginning to think that maybe I deserved it.

Was this how Jimmy felt?

Did he feel a little bit betrayed and hurt?

Of course he did. He probably felt more than a 'little bit.'

Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I would have told Jimmy.

Would he have understood and let me go or be even more furious with me and Roman than he is now.

That's a hard decision to even think about.

So maybe it is a bit hard for Roman to tell me whatever it is that he's keeping from me.

But that leaves me to question one thing:

What's so bad that he can't tell me?

"Are you and Dad mad at each other?" I heard Joelle ask as I turned into the schools parking lot and I immediately snapped back to reality.

"Huh?" I asked her.

"Are you mad at each other?" She asked again as I pulled into a parking space, "I mean, you're acting all... I don't know, you look stressed. Then I saw Dad sleeping on the couch. I'm guessing you two are mad at each other."

"No." I tried to assure her, "We're not mad at each other... we're just... disagreeing on something right now."

"That's another way to say you're mad at each other." She said then raised a hand when I tried to talk, "You don't have to convince me otherwise Nae. I've been through a parent divorce before. I know all those 'child friendly' terms to substitute in for 'we're not getting along'."

I sighed a bit, "It's not anything major, JoJo. I promise."

She was quiet for a bit before turning towards me, "Is it because of me? Because I stayed up last night to watch TV? Because if it's that then I'm sorry, alright? Next time I can ask him first and see if I can because I don't want you two go fight over that of anything."

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