Brōzio Tubis Biarves-Birthday Banquet

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"You are the captain yes? What is your name?"

"Desdemona Omorfia..."

Sin snickered. "Dez..." He whispered to himself, liking the way her new nickname rolled off his tongue.

"Welcome to Solaria Desdemona. Please do enjoy your stay."

Dez raised an eyebrow. "You''re not arresting us?"

Illya smiled. "Now why would I do that?"

"Well, we're pirates...for starters."

"Listen, I have nothing against that. My husband and I met on a bloody pirate ship, we know what you are. There's no way I'd arrest you for that. There are some things I'd like to discuss with you later."

Dez decided to keep silent. The look in Illya's eyes told her she had other plans for them and she didn't want to push her luck. Illya had her escorted out just as Ri-is stepped down the stairs.

"Mother! I brought home someone as well. I'd like to introduce her."

Illya rested her head on her hand, leaning to one side of the throne, her smile widened as she did so.

"Alright. Bring her in."

Ri-is motioned for Luke to let her in. She stepped inside and shyly made her way over to stand beside Ri-is in front of the throne.

"M-My name is Yukimi. is an honour to meet you, your majesty!" She bowed with shaky knees, face flushed and voice trembling under the pressure of her nerves.

" are a snow spirit yes? How is Solaria's climate treating you?"

"V-Very well! I was surprised to find that it wasn't all that harsh!"

Illya smiled warmly. "Still, there are areas that would be far too hot for you to travel to. Do be careful."

"Yes, your majesty."

"Mother, I brought her here because I feel like she has potential and she has stated that she would like to study medicine under our court physician."

Illya looked at Yukimi, urging her to speak.

" are very skilled in the medical field yourself. I've read many stories of your accomplishments. I come from dreary mountains where not much is ever seen what with the blizzards. I've seen many people die in those mountains and I don't wish to watch it happen again and again as I have over the years. I figured if anyone can help me achieve my goal to be a doctor it would be you."

Illya paused before speaking again. "Raise your head."

Yukimi finally made eye contact with her, her own golden orbs being enthralled by Illya's rubies. She couldn't look away even if she wanted to. Illya silently stared into her eyes for what seemed like an eternity before speaking up again.

"Very well. Welcome to the palace Yukimi. Since Ri-is was the one that chose to bring you here, he will be in charge of you. If you need anything ask Ri-is."

Yukimi lit up. "Oh thank you, your majesty! Thank you so much!"

Ri-is smiled down at Yukimi, ushering her away. Ein stepped forward, making his presence known to Illya.

"My lady, we have two more guests."

Illya sighed, becoming slightly irritated. "Who is it now!" She questioned, raising her voice slightly.

Seibel opened the doors to the throne room. "His Highness Sora Gabrielle Zephyrus and Princess Astrid Cordelia Omarosa have returned from their trip to Seidon." He announced.

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