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The movie has just finished. I look at the bedside clock on my nightstand, it read 9:29 pm. 

I'm still surrounded by the bodies of the guys. I'm so hot, the body warmth of them combined with the comforter that holds me in place is making me break a sweat. Gross. 

Surprisingly, the only two who couldn't keep still was Niall and Louis. Niall continuously was either shaking his leg or was tapping his finger silently on the cover. 

Louis was mindlessly playing with my long hair. Which reminds me, I need a haircut. My hair reaches the middle of my back and the ends have split. I can tell that my hair has become unhealthy. The ends feel like straw, and whenever I brush my hair, the ends always frizz up terribly. I'll tell them tomorrow.

Liam gets up to shut off the tv that was playing the end credits and put the DVD back in the case. He turned around to start telling the boys to get up and clean up my room of all the snack wrappers and huge blankets that were all over my bed and floor. 

Niall gets up, without much protest and makes his way up to me. "Goodnight, Love." He kisses my forehead and collects his blanket and empty snack wrappers and leaves my room. 

Liam comes next, also with his blanket in his arms and kisses my cheek. "Sleep tight, darling. Sweet dreams." His voice is extremely deep, and his words are slightly slurred with his accent. So I know he's tired. 

Louis walks over to me, but he doesn't seem as tired as the rest. "You going to be okay tonight, love?" 

I give him a small smile and a nod. "Night," I tell him.

"Goodnight, Lovebug." He gets his blanket and silently leaves my room.

Harry and Zayn are the last ones in my room. Zayn is sleeping peacefully, his head still in my lap and his hand still firmly gripping mine. 

Harry goes to shake him, but Zayn doesn't even flinch. He shakes his head, a smile spreads across his face, his dimples showing. 

"I don't think you're going to have your bed to yourself tonight. He's too heavy to carry and too heavy of a sleeper to wake up." He tells me. 

That's okay, I didn't really want to be alone anyways. "Okay," is what I say instead. 

Harry leaned over me to give me a tight hug and he pressed his lips to my forehead for a quick kiss. "Goodnight, babe." He also gets his blanket and leaves my room, making sure my nightlight is on, and the door is open just a crack. 

I shift as much as I can without disturbing Zayn, I check to see if he'd awaken, but he remains undisturbed. I lay down completely and let sleep overcome me. 


I don't know what time it is when I feel something move in my bed.  I open my eyes just a crack to see that Zayn has in fact, woken up. I see him sit up and go to leave.

"Zayn," I quickly say, I don't want him to leave me here alone. 

He turns around and walks back over to the bed. " Hey, baby. What are you doing awake? Its," he looks past me at the clock, "3 am." 

"Please don't leave me," I feel the tears well up and I think Zayn sees the light reflecting off them, cause his face turns empathetic. 

"Okay, I won't leave. Shh, don't cry." He climbs back into my bed and holds his arms out to me. 

Surprising myself and probably Zayn, I don't hesitate. I latch onto his chest and he wraps his strong arms around me, tight. 

"Don't leave," I whisper. I feel him shake his head. 

"I'll be right here when you wake, I promise." He tells me, kissing my cheek quickly. "Now, go to sleep." 

I don't reply, just letting myself succumb to the conscious unconsciousness. 


When I awake, all I see is a chest. Zayn's chest. His arms are still tightly surrounding me, keeping me against him. I can hear him slightly snore, just slightly. 

I crane my neck to look up and he's still sleeping soundly. I'm jealous of his eyelashes. They fan out over the top of his cheeks and they are twice as thick as mine. Not fair, dude. 

I poke his cheek, but he doesn't flinch. I do it again, slightly harder. Still nothing. 

"Zayn!" I call loudly.

"Shhh, Blake. I'm trying to sleep." He slurs tiredly. 

"You can sleep all you want, just let me go," I reply back. 

He just hums, not really listening to what I'm saying. I start to wiggle against him, and his grip slacks. Another 30 seconds and he gives up and lets go. I quickly stand before he can change his mind and grab me, again.

I walk out of the room quietly and shut the door behind me. I hear guy voices come from the kitchen and I try to find them.

As I walk into the kitchen, I see Harry by the stove and Niall trying to steal what he's making/made. 

"Niall, god dammit, if you don't leave this food alone and stop trying to steal it! You won't starve in the next ten minutes!" Harry yells at Niall.

"But I'm hungry!" Is Niall's reply. He's giving Harry the puppy dog look, but I can tell Harry is not budging. getting the hint, Niall begrudgingly makes his way to the table and sits down. 

I don't hear Louis walk up behind me, until I feel hands come around my stomach, and lift me up. I let out a scream from fright, Niall and Harry's heads snap to the doorway where we are. Louis turns me around in his arms to see him. 

"Hey, hey, calm down. It's just me." He says in a soothing way. 

He walks us over to the table where I didn't even see Liam sitting, quietly reading the newspaper. As we sit down, I see Harry setting two plates in front of us, one for me and one for Louis. 

"Hey! Where's mine?!" Niall pouts. 

"I'm not a butler, you have two arms and two legs that work just fine," is his reply. Harry walks over to get his own plate and sits down in front of us. 

Harry had made a traditional English breakfast. Eggs, toast, bacon and he poured me a glass of orange juice. 

Niall sits back down, with his own plate of food and digs in without another word.

"Oh! Blake, wait a second." Liam tells me, he sets down his paper and walks to a tall skinny cabinet next to the stove. He pulls out a pill bottle and shakes one out. He walks over to me and sets the pill on my plate. "Here, love. You have to take one of these every day for your heart condition." 

I take the pill in my hand a put in in my mouth. I swallow it with a big mouthful of OJ. 


Kinda a filler chapter, but I updated! 

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