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Witch, leads us both to a small, small room, at the very end of the hallway. As she opens the door, it creaks loudly. She steps aside, and looks at me expectenly, with a raised eyebrow.

"Well?! You going in or not?!" She sneers. I just nod, and begrudgingly walked in. I look around the room and cringed. It reaked of sweat and metal. One bed on the floor, and a dresser with 2 drawers.

'This is where I'm going to be staying at?' I think to myself. Vince looks at me a sadden look on his face. Serves him right. Gabby leaves the room, Vince and I are the only ones here, now.

"Look, Bla-" Vince starts.

"Don't, don't even start." I glare.

"Blake Please! Listen to me! I have no choice, it's my job to bring you here! It's the law!"

"Do you see where your leaving me?! Your going to run me ragged! I'm never going to be adopted! How many kids here, get adopted?! Huh?! 2 a year?! If that?! I'm never going to leave! Just leave already, you did your job. Get out, and never come back." I demand. He looks at me with a defeated face. He nods, and leaves without a word, leaving me alone, in the dark, like everyone else has done.

Scars Don't Fade (1D Adoption)Where stories live. Discover now