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Vince helps me out of the car, I don't look at him. I feel very betrayed.

"Ya know, kid, it won't be that bad right? You'll be out of here before you know it, your a great kid Blake, you've got to let people in." He tells me up I don't look up or take his words into consideration, he's hurt me almost as much as my parents, I thought I could trust him. I'm so stupid.

We arrive at the door, after the long walk from the drive way, I can feel Vince's eyes on me for a second, but I don't dare look up, he doesn't deserve to see my brokenhearted face. The emotion he caused. He signs loudly letting me know he knows what I'm doing. Without saying anything though, he knocks on the old wooden door, that has red paint chipping off in large chuncks, so there's only red splatters in my veiw. We wait in complete silence, for someone to open the door. I look up for the first time since we left the car. Just as I think nobody is home, a young lady with makeup caked all over her face answers the door with a frown on her face.

She looks at me with a scowl, the turns her face to Vince, and her mood immediately lifts, as she adjusts herself, ya know, her hair, pushing up her implants, she calls boobs, sticking her bottox butt up a noticable amount, and gives him a flirtatious smile, with her lipstick stained teeth. He winces.

"Hello, I'm Gabby." She smiles only at Vince, completely igroing me, but I don't care. "Daughter of the lady who owns this place, Mrs. Gunner."

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