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Remember guys, Hannah is the flight attendant.

You people remember Skylar Rose, right? ; )

Also, Happy REALLY belated birthday, Jessica @louislittlethingggs! You're finally 16! I hope 16 treats you well! I am lucky to have a friend like you! Love you!

30 votes!


It's been about a month since my accident and things have gotten better. I've had urges, but when I do, I go to either Louis or Harry and they help me fight it.

My infected scars are almost healed, and I'm really happy because now I don't have to get peroxide or alcohol poured on them anymore.

The first time we have to clean them out at home, was a nightmare.

"Blake, I'm going to pour it, now, okay? Just look away from me. It will me really quick." Liam explains, with the peroxide bottle in his hand.

"Okay," I reply in a shaky whisper.

"Look at me sweetheart, it will be over soon." Louis grips my chin in between his fingers and guides my face to look at him and Niall.

They smile at me, to comfort me and when I go to smile back, Liam had poured the Peroxide onto my wounds.

I let out a shriek from the sudden sting and I feel the tears well up. Liam holds my hand, back over the sink, to catch the drops falling from my arm and Louis gives me a hug.

I hug him back with my free arm and tuck my face in his neck.

It didn't take long before Liam cleans up the mess and replaces the bandage that goes all the way up to my elbow.

"Okay, baby, other arm."


That was at the beginning of the month and now the doctor says that I should only have to keep putting peroxide on it for maybe two more weeks.

Right now the Lads are taking me to meet my new "Uncle Simon", they say I'll like him, but we'll see.

Before long, the driver pulls up to a huge building reading,


I feel my stomach drop as I stare up at the ginormous structure.

Oh no, no, no. Nope. I'm not going up there. That's like asking to die. No way, no how.

Louis gets out of the passenger seat and opens the door right next to me. He reaches over and unbuckles me. I lift my arms up and he grabs and picks me up out of my car seat. I know, a twelve year old in a car seat? That's what I said. But Liam thinks I still need one.

"Better safe, than sorry." He'd say. Whatever.

Louis pulls me out of the car and sets me down. But not without grabbing my hand.

"What ever happens, do not let go of my hand," Louis said sternly, "You will be gone in an instant."

I look at him and nod, and grip his hand tight.


"One that thing, Ms Hannah. Sign right here."

I take the pen in my hand and sign my name on the doted line, then stand and shake her hand. I can't stop smiling.

"I'll call her dow-" I cut Mrs Gunderson off and say,

"No, no. I'll go get her!" And before she can say anything I rush out the room with excitement spreading through my body.

I run up the stairs and knock on her door. The small brunette with beautiful brown eyes slowly opens the door.

"Hi Skylar, my name is Hannah! Would you mind if I help you pack your bag?" I ask warily.

"Why?" She asks me warily.

"I adopted you, is that okay? Would you like to live with me?"

She doesn't say anything for a few moments and I start to worry.

Stupid Hannah! She doesn't want to live with you, why would she be excited to live with you?! Skylar doesn't know anything about you!  I scream at myself, internationally. But, all my anxious thoughts are wiped away when I look at my honey bee and see the biggest smile on her face. I can't help but to mirror he expression, happiness spreading throughout my body. Before I know it, she wraps her arms around my neck and envelopes me in a bear hug. I hug her back, of course, and I feel a pool of wetness forming around the collar of my shirt.

Skylar let's out small sobs and hugs me tighter as I rub her back, soothingly.

"Thank you, so much. I thought I would never have a family that loves me," she cries.

"Honey, I will always care about you. And give you unconditional love and support. You want to know what else? I don't live in the United States, I live in London! Do you want to go with me?"

"Duh, what kind of question is that?!" She chuckles when she pulls away and wipes her tears. A smile seemingly being permanent on her adorable face.

"Well, let's pack your bags and blow this popsicle stand. What do you say?" I ask Skylar, holding up my hand for a highfive.

"Let's do it," She laughs and gives me a highfive.


So, the lads and I have made our way into the ginormous structure and in the elevator, heading towards the very top.

And by "we are in the elavator", what I really mean is all the boys are standing in the elavator, while I'm in Louis arms, with my eyes squeezed so tight, it hurts and my body is shaking like a leaf blowing in the wind.

After what seemed like eternity, the elavator came to s halt and the lads walked out, Louis still carrying me like a infant. 

After walking a ways, a blacked haired lady greets us as we approach her desk.

"Hello, how may I help you?" She asks, not even to bother looking up from her desktop.

"We're here to see Simon Cowell," Liam answers. When she finally looks up from the screen, her mouth fall agape and she quickly starts to utter an apology.

"I-I so so-sorry Mr. Payne, go right in," she gestures to the door to her left as she stammers.

"Thank you," is all Liam says.

The Lads don't even bother to knock as they enter the over-sized office. The office it's self is incredible. The window has a view of the entire city and everything is shiny and white.

I guess we were too busy admiring the fantastic room to notice the desk to our left, with an unbelievably intimidating man leaning against it. All the while he's staring at me, in Louis arms.

"Hello boys, and Blake,"

Oh shit.

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