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Vince leads us all down a long hallway with me of course, kicking and screaming along the way. Harry and Liam both holding a hand.

Vince opens a door on the left hand side and the boys and I cram into an office.

"Well, there are no fines or anything, so you can take that load of your shoulders." All the boys shoulders instantly relax.

"But, there is a 3 strike program for adoptees. If you guys lose her three times within a year, she has to be taken out of your custody and back into the foster system. So be more watchful." He warns.

"I can assure you officer Stackhouse, now that we know how she can be, we will be extremely observant. Won't we boys?" He shoots them a nasty glare and they all start agreeing.

"Yes yes of course!"




"Blake is ready to leave, all you need is to sign the papers!" He says happily. I mean I would be too if I could get rid of myself.

Get just what I need. My depression is kicking in.

I'm just gonna be over here.


As we were signing the release papers, I noticed a change in Blake's aura. It just like dampened.

I'll talk to the boys about it.

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