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Hey guys, I'm co-writing a book with iJessclifford98. It's called Photograph and it's a Larry book!

My concert was amazing. Really sad it's over :'(

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When Harry and Louis said they were famous, they weren't kidding. The boys packed they're own and my things, in about an hour.

Since this is they're new vacation home, I guess they only needed the essentials. And they could leave the rest, without a problem.

We are about a mile away from Dallas airport and already there is a mob of screaming teenage girls. Hundreds of them, screaming, crying, fainting as they see the boys' car approach. As we travel closer to the entrance, the denser the mob.

When we reach the front. I'm too busy watching the girls through the window, I don't notice the car door open, next to me and a foreign pair of male hands grab me and start pulling me out. I'm not buckled in, anymore, so I'm out of the car.

I start screaming bloody murder as the stranger start carrying me through the mob. I'm struggling, crying, and screaming, "Don't touch me! Don't touch me!" He can't touch me!

I hear someone come up to us and then I hear Louis say, "Thanks, Paul. I got her," Louis takes me away from 'Paul' and into his own. "It's okay, Blake. He won't touch you. No one will touch you except the lads and I." Louis soothes me.

I see Zayn covering me with his sweatshirt and Louis holds my head down as I try to calm my breathing.

It takes us awhile to maneuver through the crowd, and get inside. Once we do, I'm still in Louis arms. We get through the search place and I'm moved around into each of the boy's arms as they one by one pass the detector. Once they are all done, I end up in Zayn's arms.

Then, when the search is done, and they are cleared, they are lead to a long passage way. As we walk down, the more nervous I become. I think Zayn notices how tense I've become and rubs my back as we walk.

"Don't worry, honeybee. I'm wary of planes too. Wanna sit by me?"

I nod

"Okay, we can reassure each other as the plane takes off." I don't bother answering and Zayn doesn't say anything more. Just keeps walking down this seemingly never ending passage.

Finally we reach a door. It's open and the inside looks weird. It's a few seats in one place. There is a older man in a white uniform and a young lady with a bandana around her neck.

"Welcome back lads. Nice to see you," He greets the boys, "and who are you, young lady?" He asks, coming closer to me. He goes to set a hand on my back and I tense up, and go to move in Zayn's hold, when Louis buts in and prevents this old man from touching me.

"Captain Picken, please don't touch her. She's our adopted daughter. She has has a rough past and doesn't like to be touched by strangers." Louis explains to the captain.

"Oh, I understand, well everything is ready and we will begin our flight in about ten minutes. Please take your seats."

We walk towards the seats and there is two rows of two seats and then a row of three.

Zayn sets me down next to a window and sits in the only seat beside me.

Louis and Harry are behind me and Niall and Liam takes the longer one. Niall is laying down and has his feet resting on Liam. He looks annoyed, but doesn't move him.

I feel the plane start to move after a few moments in silence and I grab Zayn's hand, squeezing as hard has I could. Harry reaches through the seats and rubs my shoulder and gives it a squeeze before releasing it and moving back into his seat.

The plane makes its way down the runway, gaining speed by the second and them I start to feel it take off the ground.

I'm squeezing my eyes as tightly as I can. Still feeling the plane ascend. As it starts straightens out in the sky, I notice my hearing is fuzzy. As I try to stick my fingers in my ears, and wiggle them around, I feel a very painful, 'pop'! It happens again and I start crying from the pain and from fright. I don't know what's happening.

Zayn takes notice of my crying and discomfort and unbuckles me. He picks me up and sets me in my lap.

"What's wrong, honeybee?" He asks after a minute of trying to comfort me.

"My-my e-ears," I stutter out, through my sobs. Zayn nods, understanding.

"Hey, Liam, got any gum? Blake's ears are popping."

"Yeah mate," He pauses, "here." He tosses Zayn a pack and he hands me a piece.

As I chew it, my ears are getting better. A few more times and they are hardly in pain.

"You can go to sleep, Blake. The flight is long. I'll wake you before we land, okay? Go ahead and take a nap."

He doesn't have to tell me twice. All this anxiety has me exhausted. I nuzzle myself in Zayn's chest and take his arms, and wrap them around myself. He drags one of his fingers up and down my back, soothingly.

I yawn and feel myself slowly drift off into oblivion.

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