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"Hello, I'm Gabby, daughter of the lady who owns this place, Mrs. Gunner."


Again she give Vince a ugly smile, completely ignoring me.

"How can I help you handsome?"

"Right! Um this is Blake Bradley, she needs a orphanage , since she is now a ward of the state, and this is the only orphanage for this side of Louisiana." Vince explains.

"That's all you came for? Oh well , yeah yeah come in." She waves her hand around and sighs, what did she expect he's a Louisiana cop, that showed up a an orphanage with a girl who's filthy, did she really expect him to be here to take her on a date? I wouldn't expect much more from her, especially since she can't tell the difference between a coloring book and her face.

Vince nudges me inside, behind Gabby, I still keep my head down. Since I'm pretty tall, he can reach my shoulder without a problem and gives it a rub. I just shrugged him off and keep walking, I hear him sigh, most likely frustrated, his fault, he did this to himself.

Gabby leads us to an office, with no life to it , it's just a desk, chairs, and a computer. She sits down behind the desk, gets some papers out, while Vince and I sit down on the other side.Gabby clears her throat before speaking.

"Okay I'm going to ask you some questions, about Blake for leagal purposes."

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