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When I'm Gone - Eminem


I'm awaken from my nap by Harry pulling me out of the car seat, to bring me to the house. I don't want to walk so I just let him believe I haven't woken up.

The other boys are struggling to bring all my new stuff into the house so they can can be put away.

Harry carries me through the front door, up the stairs, and down the hallway that leads to my bedroom. When Harry opens the door, a chilly breeze hits m. Goosebumps appear on my skin and a shiver runs down my spine.

He lays me down on my bed, and pulls the comforter over my small body. Just as Harry stands up to leave, I make an impulsive move. My hand shoots out and just barely grabs one of his large fingers. Harry stops in his tracks and turns back to face me.

"Hey, Babe. You just wake up?" He says in a soft voice.

I smile and cheekily shake my head.

"Oh you little trickster!" Harry says a little louder, almost in his normal deep toned voice.

I giggle at him, but then my face turns serious.

Harry notices and asks, "What's wrong, Hun?" His dimples appear as a slight frown takes over his features.

"Nothing I-" I go to say, I just can't seem to let the words come out. I know that after I say them, that's it. I can't take them back. So, I go with "Why me?"

Harry looks at me puzzled for a second and replies "What do you mean, Blake?"

"Why me? Out of all the children in that god forsaken orphanage, why did you choose me?"

"Well, for me, it was those big blue eyes. Your eyes had this look that told me you have so much potential and you were so special. Too special, that it would be a tragedy to pass up the opportunity of knowing you."

Oh, wow. I wasn't expecting that... I don't really know what I was expecting, but I know it was not that. Jesus.

I don't get to reply because it seems the lads found a way to get the hundreds of bags up to my room in one trip of all of them. Maybe they have a brain after all... Who knew.

They all come into the very spacious room, arms completely filled.

"Where'd we put them Liam?" Niall asks Liam.

"Uh, just find a place to set them down, for right now, but make sure they won't be in the wa-" Liam tries to add the last part in quickly, but it goes ignored by the rest of the boys as they just drop the plastic bags all over my once cleaned, carpeted floor. Thanks, guys.

Louis is the first one, besides Harry, to notice that they are not alone in the room and he launches himself onto the bed next me, on top of the blanket, essentially keeping me immobile. Between him and Harry, the blanket isn't giving me much room to move.

The blanket won't let me move at all now that the rest of the bozos jumped onto the bed, at my feet. A thought occurs to me.

I turn to Liam, and say, "Hey, Liam, didn't you say that we have to watch a movie after shopping?"

I look of remembrance comes across his face. "Right! I forgot! Lads, it's movie night. Niall go get popcorn, Harry, go get all the fuzzy blankets from the living room. Everyone, get into Jammies. This is going to be the best movie night EVER!" Liam takes off out of the room, like a bat out of hell, and everyone else follows, except Zayn.

I get start to get out of the bed, now that i can finally move, and Zayn stands up.

"Can you help me find some pajamas?" I ask him.

Zayn looks at me and smiles, "Of course."

We both turn to look at the mountain of bags scattered across my floor and sigh.

I turn to him again, and say, "Well, guess we better start."

Zayn starts at one end and I start at the other and we both make our way to the center, checking every bag in our path.

We are almost to the center when Zayn jumps up in victory, practically giving me a panic attack in the process.

"Damn it, Zayn! I could have died!" I shout at him.

"Hey, language! Go change, I'll be back." Zayn tosses the clothes at me and walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

I huff, and start taking my dirty clothes off and throw them on the ground.

I hold out the pajamas out to examine them. They are purple with kittens and fish on them. The weird part is that they are connected. It's not a shirt and matching pants, weird. I take the small metal zipper in my hand and pull it down. I hold it up and stick my feet in the sock-type thing. Then, I put my arms in the sleeves. As I go to bend down to zip up the zipper again, Louis bursts into the room, without knocking, might I add.

"Oh Shit! Blake, I'm so sorry, I thought you would have been dressed by now!" He yells as he throws a hand to cover his eyes.

I quickly bend over and pull the zipper up to cover myself and walk over to him. I grab his hand a lead him to my bed. He takes the hint an uncovers his eyes.

"Sorry about that, Hun." He tells me, climbing into the bed, peeling back the covers and throwing them over ourselves.

He grabs the remote that I didn't notice was on the bedside table and clicks a button that turns the tv, that's across the room, on. Making it light up.

The rest of the boys come in, one by one. Harry being the last one, he has his arm full of blankets that he hands to rest of the lads, besides Louis.

Liam is laying at the foot of the bed, he already put the disc in. Niall is laying next to him, Zayn has his head in my lap and is holding my hand. And Harry is laying on the other side of me. The popcorn in between all of us.

Is this what it's like being with a loving family?

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